CMTA Lunch & Learn: Neuro-Toxic Medication List Update
Date(s) - 07/13/2023
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Please join us on July 13 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time to hear an update on the newly reviewed and revised CMT Neuro-toxic Medication List. The CMTA funded a grant awarded to Guido Cavaletti, MD at the University of Milano-Bicocca to review and update the current CMT neuro-toxic medication list. Dr. Cavaletti and colleague, Dr. Paola Alberti spent months conducting an evidence-based systematic review of drugs that may be neurotoxic to people living with CMT. They will be joining us to share their review process and findings.
Disclaimer: Please note, no personal health advice can be provided during the talk. Content provided in this talk does not replace the need for medical treatment nor claim to ‘treat’ genetic mutations of CMT.
More on Guido Cavaletti, MD
Guido Cavaletti, MD, neurologist and professor of human anatomy at the University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy) has more than 30-year-long specific expertise the clinical and pre-clinical assessment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neurotoxicity (CIPN).
As senior consultant at the Department of Neurology of the S. Gerardo University Hospital in Monza (Italy), since 1990 he has deeply involved in the clinical evaluation of CIPN and he is currently coordinating an academic clinical network involving 21 centers in US, Europe and Australia (“CI-PeriNoms Study Group”) aimed at the formal validation of clinical and/or instrumental methods to assess the severity of CIPN. He is the PI of the International CIPN Assessment and Validation Study (ICAVS) ( Identifier: NCT04633655).
Since 2007 he was appointed as Head of the Experimental Neurology Unit (, a research unit implemented at the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca with the specific aim to unify in a single research team different expertise and equipments required to investigate at the highest preclinical level the pathogenesis of central and peripheral nervous system diseases and to test their treatment, with the aim to translate the results in clinical setting.
More on Paola Alberti, MD, PhD
Paola Alberti, MD, PhD, Board in Neurology, is currently assistant professor in Human Anatomy at University of Milano-Bicocca (Monza, Italy). Her main expertise is related to peripheral nervous system diseases, especially Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity (CIPN). She is an active member of the Toxic Neuropathy Consortium (TNC), part of the Peripheral Nerve Society (PNS). During the Residency in Neurology, she was a visiting fellow at Johns Hopkins University (Prof. D.R. Cornblath, MD) to refine her knowledge of neurophysiological techniques. Since 2015 she has been pursuing an interest for preclinical research and joined the Experimental Neurology Unit (ENU, University of Milano-Bicocca) team, where she completed the PhD program in Neuroscience (2019). Her PhD project was focused on Oxaliplatin Induced Peripheral Neurotoxicity in preclinical models: she introduced advanced neurophysiological techniques, nerve excitability testing, to ENU after having learnt them from Prof H. Bostock, (UCL, London). She was a visiting fellow at University of Baltimore (Prof. S.G. Dorsey and Prof C. Renn) where learned DRG recordings in preclinical models. Her publication track record can be found here: Alberti, Paola – Author details – Scopus
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