The CMTA is thrilled to announce the release of our latest professionally produced Public Service Announcement on Charcot-Marie-Tooth! Watch this beautiful piece and share it with your friends and family to spread the word.

We’re asking all members of the CMTA Community to ask their local broadcasting stations to air this excellent CMT awareness piece. The more stations that take part, the more awareness we can create.

So, pick up the phone or get on your computer and email your local broadcasting companies and ask them to let their viewers know about CMT. Some of those viewers probably have it and don’t know it!

The links below will provide you with all the files you need to get this piece aired. If you find that you need a different file—please email Jeana Sweeney at

30sec_CMTA_FINAL_1080_4222.mp4 (1967 downloads )  :: 30 Sec spot for TV

60sec_CMTA_FINAL_1080_4223.mp4 (3126 downloads )  :: 60 Sec spot for TV

CMTA_RADIO_30.mp3 (3560 downloads )  :: 30 Sec spot for Radio

CMTA_RADIO_60.mp3 (3094 downloads )  :: 60 Sec spot for Radio

Let’s take a bite out of CMT!