
The 2020 Summer CMTA Report

Coverage of COVID-19 and CMT, the discovery of a new CMT type that may be treatable with a current diabetes drug and Part 3 of "Surgical Correction of the CMT Foot"

Breakthrough Guide to Orthopedic Surgery for CMT

Spearheaded by orthopedic surgeon Dr. Glenn Pfeffer, a remarkable group of surgeons defined consensus terminology, agreed upon standardized templates for history and physical examination and recommended a comprehensive approach to CMT foot surgery

CMTA Camp Footprint Has Gone Virtual for 2020

We have an exciting line-up of daily activities in store to connect and grow the Tribe of the Funky Feet. Anticipation and excitement is building, and the countdown has begun.

CMTA 2019 Annual Report Highlight Reel

To compliment the publication of the 2019 CMTA Annual Report, the Youth of the CMTA created this highlight reel in celebration of all we accomplished together in 2019!

Craig Zeltsar Joins CMTA Board of Directors

The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association today welcomed Craig Zeltsar, principal and co-founder of NNE Marketing, LLC, to its Board of Directors.

New, Potentially Treatable, Type of CMT Discovered

A team led by Dr. Stephan Züchner at the University of Miami has discovered a new type of Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease that may be treatable with drugs already approved for other diseases.

CMT2E Gene Therapy Project Approved

The CMTA Board of Directors approved a $265,000 research project for CMT2E that aims to advance CMT2E gene therapy by demonstrating positive results for axonal forms of CMT affecting motor neurons.

The 2020 Spring CMTA Report

In a world turned upside down, The CMTA Report continues to bring you help for today and hope for tomorrow. In this issue you’ll find helpful stories on tendon transfers, HNPP and nerve conduction studies, as well as hopeful news on recently funded research projects.

CMTA Board Approves CMT1B Project

The CMTA Board of Directors approved a new research project aimed at developing biomarkers for CMT1B to aid in the collection of natural history data critical to clinical trials.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) and CMT

The CMTA is aware that the coronavirus (COVID-19) may have more of an impact on people and families who are at higher risk of infection, so we are reaching out to share resources and ensure you are informed.