Minneapolis, MN CMTA Branch Meeting (In-Person)
Date(s) - 10/28/2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Please join us (in person) for the Minneapolis, MN CMTA Branch meeting on Saturday, October 28th at 10:00 am Central Time. Our meeting will be held at The Penn Lake Library. The address is 8800 Penn Ave South, Bloomington, MN 55431. During our meeting, our very own branch member, Brianna Engebretsen, is going to discuss Nutrition, Gadgets, and exercise for individuals with CMT. Brianna is a certified nutritionist who is living with CMT. This will be a fun and educational meeting. We would love for you to join us – all are welcome!
RSVP to Branch Leaders Lynn Anne Groebner and Angela Christensen: minneapoliscmtabranch@cmtausa.org.
8800 Penn Ave South
Bloomington, MN 5543