The CMTA is currently looking for dedicated and committed individuals to step up as CMTA branch leaders.
The CMTA’s branch leaders organize and run local, quarterly CMT meetings. As a CMTA branch leader, we ask that you:
- Be a member of the CMTA
- Have basic knowledge of CMT and the CMTA
- Have basic computer and organizational skills
- Be willing to involve group members in one fundraising event per year (the CMTA will offer guidance and structure)
- Be willing to monitor on-line activities on the CMTA’s website
There are many benefits of becoming a CMTA branch leader. You will:
- Become an integral part of the CMTA’s national branch network
- Work directly with the CMTA, its staff, board members and physicians
- Receive updated and first-hand information about CMTA-related research
- Meet others with CMT nationwide and globally
- Reap immeasurable rewards through having a positive and long-lasting impact on your community
Or, maybe you are in interested in joining our growing team of CMTA volunteers:
The CMTA is currently looking for volunteers to:
- Spread the word by distributing CMTA brochures in your community
- Let your community hear about CMT by putting a simple ad in your local paper
- Bring the CMTA community together by putting on a fundraiser (*Remember, whether big or small, it all makes a difference.)
- “Shine” by participating in September’s CMT Awareness Month
- Share your unique skills with the CMTA
- Be a CMTA social media advocate and help us share news from our Facebook page.
If you are interested in one or more of the above activities, or, if you have alternative ideas on how to help the CMTA achieve its goals and mission, please contact me at
I look forward to hearing from you!
Laurel Richardson
Director of Community Outreach