Filename | CMTAreportFALL2021.pdf |
Filesize | 3.15 MB |
Version | 1 |
Date added | September 17, 2021 |
Downloaded | 2556 times |
Category | The CMTA Report |
Coming on the cusp between summer and fall, this issue of The CMTA Report covers both the fun and games of summer and the back-to-school and parenting issues of fall.
For members of our CMTA community, summer fun often comes with a fundraising component and in this issue you’ll read about CMTers who were out walking, riding and swimming to raise money for CMTA-STAR research—everything from the Bucks County annual picnic to the daylong extravaganzas mounted by the Vermont Cycle (and Walk!) 4 CMT and the FunAthlon.
We also have stories about CMT feats of strength in this issue—two athletes with CMT who have made the entire community proud with their accomplishments.
Finally, because the fall semester is on every parent’s mind, we’re bringing you stories on how to ensure your child has a good school year and tips on parenting a child with CMT.
- Vermonters Cycle (And Walk!) 4 CMT
- 2021 Funathlon Fuels CMT Research With Fun
- Colorado Family Holds Summer Games for CMT
- Camp Footprint Campers Find Joy, Connection and Queen Corona’s Keys
- Advisory Board Member Writes Guide To CMT-Associated Genes
- Gait Techniques For Walking Stability
- Shy Wins Prestigious Research Award
- Pete Foley Joins Board Of Directors
- Parenting Kids With CMT
- When CMT Goes to School: Strategies for the Best School Year Yet
- Brace Review: The Neuro Swing AFO
- CMTer Jamal Hill Takes Bronze At Paralympic Games
- Branch Notes
- UK CMTer Takes Second In Division At Crossfit Games