
treatments, as they will allow researchers to know whether certain treatments are feasible before launching a full study. The event raised more than $235,000 for STAR research, much of it…


…on CMT. Is there a Treatment for CMT? Although there is no drug treatment for CMT, physical/occupational therapy and moderate activity (but not overexertion) can help maintain muscle strength, endurance…


…on CMT. Is there a Treatment for CMT? Although there is no drug treatment for CMT, physical/occupational therapy and moderate activity (but not overexertion) can help maintain muscle strength, endurance…


…the reader may use to aid and supplement a doctor’s treatment. CMTA LEADERSHIP CMTA STAFF Gilles Bouchard, Interim CEO BOARD OF DIRECTORS Gilles Bouchard, Chairman Gary Gasper, Treasurer Herb Beron,…


treatments, as they will allow researchers to know whether certain treatments are feasible before launching a full study. The event raised more than $235,000 for STAR research, much of it…


…discovered that he too had CMT. Kaya and her family’s greatest hope is that treatments are found to prevent/stop progression of CMT and that a cure will soon be within…


…reasons, such as helping with treatment decisions and providing information to family members about their chance to develop neuropathy. Here is a list of ways that genetic testing for neuropathy…


…future to help bring CMT drugs to market. We are working vigorously to find treatments, and ultimately a cure for all types of CMT. In fact, we currently have over…


…future to help bring CMT drugs to market. We are working vigorously to find treatments, and ultimately a cure for all types of CMT. In fact, we currently have over…


…continue to aggressively pursue the first treatment for CMT under the STAR initiative.” Pat diligently works to fund the CMTA’s groundbreaking research to further the goal of finding a cure…