Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy (HSN)

…the DNMT1 gene. HSN1F HSN1F is due to the gene ATL3 on chromosome 11q12.3-q13.1. HSN Research Hereditary Sensory Neuropathy Serine trial (SENSE trial) See what’s happening in HSN research ⟶…

Donate to the CMTA

…by the world’s foremost researchers and clinicians, the CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research (CMTA-STAR) has more than 40 STAR alliance partners. Our integrated team of top scientists and industry partners…


…bi-annual meetings of all researchers receiving its funding to promote knowledge exchange and synergy, as well as meetings and consortiums of others working in this field. It uses the services…


…By funding the top researchers in the field—and not reining them in with the typical proposal and publish requirements imposed on scientists—we’ve been able to push the research forward to…


…contract oeriodic Drooress reDorts on the funded research. The contract also in ludes a fu11 Research PIan with Budoet and Deliverables. 53 20l.6. 04000 Charcot-Marie-Tooth Schedule F (Form 990) 2016…

Branch Leader Guide

The CMTA Branch Leader Guide is a living, breathing document, open to change, discussion and suggestions. If you have ideas or thoughts on how to improve this guide, we would…


…this insidious disease. The CMTA’s research is progressing faster than ever. Since 2008, when the CMTA implemented its Strategy to Accelerate Research, we have invested over $17M in STAR, making…