
…regarding CMT disorders. The Association encourages, promotes and supports research into the cause, treatment and cure of CMT. The Association also facilitates education and support for persons affected by CMT….


…research for the types of CMT that affect approximately 90% of all people with CMT. We are aggressively fighting to find a pharmaceutical treatment, and, ultimately, a cure for all…


…room where afflicted lab mice are examined to track the effect of their treatments. But the research facility was the most anticipated stop of the tour. Burgess’s lab was packed…


As part of this multi-pronged approach to identifying novel treatments for demyelinating CMT, the CMTA is supporting several promising therapeutic opportunities in collaboration with more than a dozen key partners:…


…BS. Neuropathic pain of peripheral origin: advances in pharmacologic treatment. Neurology 1995;45(Suppl9):17-25. 21. Victor M, Adams R. Diseases of peripheral nerve. In: Victor M, Adams R, editors. Principles of neurology….


…STAR promised to speed up the pace of CMT research by capitalizing on advances in scientific knowledge and technology to find a treatment to stop the progression of CMT. Our…


…STAR promised to speed up the pace of CMT research by capitalizing on advances in scientific knowledge and technology to find a treatment to stop the progression of CMT. Our…

Sample Press Release

…for a treatment for CMT, putting together a group of top-flight researchers and experts and directly funding their work. CMTA launched the Strategy to Accelerate Research, or STAR, in 2008…


…also performs pediatric electromyography and provides consultation in fetal neurology. Dr. Finkel conducts research in the natural history, optimal care and new treatments of pediatric neuromus- cular disorders. He has…


…six years in a row and received a 100% score for governance and transparency. The CMTA is Treatment-Driven and Partner-Focused P.O. Box 105 Glenolden, PA 19036 1-800-606-2682 2011 2012…