
…BS. Neuropathic pain of peripheral origin: advances in pharmacologic treatment. Neurology 1995;45(Suppl9):17-25. 21. Victor M, Adams R. Diseases of peripheral nerve. In: Victor M, Adams R, editors. Principles of neurology….


…STAR promised to speed up the pace of CMT research by capitalizing on advances in scientific knowledge and technology to find a treatment to stop the progression of CMT. Our…


…STAR promised to speed up the pace of CMT research by capitalizing on advances in scientific knowledge and technology to find a treatment to stop the progression of CMT. Our…


…making to research and to the treatment and management of CMT. (Please note, however, that the CMTA does not endorse the products or services they offer.) Saturday, October 20, 2018…


…also performs pediatric electromyography and provides consultation in fetal neurology. Dr. Finkel conducts research in the natural history, optimal care and new treatments of pediatric neuromus- cular disorders. He has…


…six years in a row and received a 100% score for governance and transparency. The CMTA is Treatment-Driven and Partner-Focused P.O. Box 105 Glenolden, PA 19036 1-800-606-2682 2011 2012…


…process, so if a test is available, it can lead to earlier diagnosis. Finally, genetic diagnosis may help direct treatments and similarly can discontinue ineffective treatments and focus on ones…


treatment and cure of CMT disorders. The Association also facilitates education and support for persons affected by CMT disorders. (2) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES Basis of Accounting The financial…


CMTAUSA.ORG over, please Demyelinating CMT: Type 1, Type X and Type 4 Research Developments In a multipronged approach to identifying novel treatments for demyelinating CMT, the CMTA is pursuing several…


…Accelerate Research (CMTA-STAR), our initiative which is striving to find effective treatments for CMT, we are also doing everything we can at the CMTA to ensure a brighter future for…