Bucks County, PA CMTA Branch

Join us at these Upcoming Events

Bucks County, PA CMTA Branch
We are a friendly and supportive group of individuals with CMT and their loved ones who meet bimonthly to share stories, information, and ideas for living with CMT! We meet on the third Saturday in January, March, May, July, September, and November from 10 AM to Noon. Meeting location: Emmaus Road Lutheran Church, 2185 Bristol Oxford Valley Road, Levittown, PA 19057. Please feel free to call or email for directions or for more information! Warmly, JulieVisit us on Facebook:

The Bucks County, PA CMTA Branch is for those who have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and their loved ones. We welcome you to join this vibrant group of active and caring individuals in your area to share resources, ideas, CMT-related information, and personal experiences and to, ultimately, build life-long friendships and support. Meetings will focus on CMT education, awareness, research updates, fundraising initiatives, advocacy, and current events and will include guest speakers. We love newcomers and hope you will join us at our next meeting!

2185 Bristol Oxford Valley Road
Emmaus Road Lutheran Church
Julie Schell

Branch Leader Picture
After relocating from upstate New York in 2007, Julie now resides in Doylestown, Pennsylvania. She loves her career as a licensed school psychologist, helping children and teens with emotional, behavioral and learning issues. In July 2017, she married Jeff Schell from Manheim, PA. Julie also enjoys spending time with her sister, niece (age 9) and nephew (age 7)! Julie has CMT1A and is determined to stay as active as possible with activities like biking, hiking, swimming, sailing, kayaking and playing golf. By serving as the leader for the Bucks County CMTA Branch, Julie hopes to bring people with CMT together and to provide information, support, and resources that they and their families might not otherwise have.

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