Portland, OR CMTA Branch

Portland, OR CMTA Branch

The Portland, OR CMTA Branch is for those who have Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease and their loved ones. We welcome you to join this vibrant group of active and caring individuals in your area to share resources, ideas, CMT-related information, and personal experiences and to, ultimately, build life-long friendships and support. Meetings will focus on CMT education, awareness, research updates, fundraising initiatives, advocacy, and current events and will include guest speakers. We love newcomers and hope you will join us at our next meeting!

Virtual Meetings and In Person Meetings - All are welcome
Rachel Tessier

Branch Leader Picture
Rachel Tessier is a dedicated data scientist specializing in salmon conservation and climate change. Originally from South Louisiana, Rachel’s career has taken her to Portland, Oregon, where her personal connection to CMT drives her commitment to strengthening the CMT support network. Known among friends as ‘chaotic good’, in terms of Dungeons & Dragons alignment, Rachel enjoys cooking, playing video games, and spending quality time with her friends and her dog, Odessa
  • Portland, OR CMTA Branch
  • Portland, OR CMTA Branch

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