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Deb Ackerson
Deb was diagnosed with CMT type HNPP in 2011. She struggled to find information and support at the beginning of her journey. At the time, being diagnosed with a condition with no treatment and no cure was nothing but discouraging. Eventually, with the help of a specialist at Vanderbilt University, she learned the importance of the things she needed to do differently to avoid serious, or possibly permanent, effects. This knowledge was life changing and helped her begin to navigate life with CMT. She’s so grateful to be here at the CMTA to help others and to continue her learning as the research continues. She works for a community food bank in Louisville and spends the rest of her time as an artist participating in art festivals and gallery shows. She believes in the importance of exercise, diet, and meditation for a strong foundation to handle any setbacks that CMT (or aging!) may bring. You will most often find her at yoga class, running with her awesome labradoodle, or working in her art studio.