A Guide to Physical and Occupational Therapy for CMT
…CMT clinicians, CMTA sponsored a workshop and brought together physical and occupational therapists from CMTA’s Centers of Excellence to collaborate on a guide to help you and your therapists better…
Frequently Asked Questions: Ionis/CMTA 1A Research Announcement
…subtypes of CMT? The ASOs developed for this publication are specifically designed to apply to CMT1A, since they target the duplicated PMP22 gene that causes CMT1A. Therefore, they would not…
CMTA Awards $225,483 for Study On Using ASOs to Treat CMT2E
…is the largest philanthropic funder of CMT research worldwide. The CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR) brings the best CMT researchers, clinicians, and experts in therapy development together with patients,…
CMTA Appoints Biotech Industry Veteran Suzanne Bruhn, PhD as New CEO
…join the CMTA, the largest philanthropic funder of CMT research in the world, and the provider of the most CMT patient services in the world. I have spent my career…
The Differences Between Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease and Autoimmune Disease: An Overview
…such as CIDP and MS, are autoimmune neuromuscular disease and share many symptoms with CMT. CMT, too, is a neuromuscular disease. Is CMT an Autoimmune Disease? No, CMT is not…
Understanding Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease in Children
This CMT awareness month, the CMTA’s Chief Research Officer, Katherine Forsey, PhD, shares her perspective as a CMT mum and how she navigated her own child’s participation in CMT research….
…CMT, including some patients with CMT2A. It can even happen in patients with CMT1X. (2) There are rare forms of X-linked CMT, defined as CMTX5 with mutations in the PRPS1…
The Winter 2021-2022 CMTA Report
…New CMT Podcast Dance 4 CMT Raises Funds Peaks Island Walk 4 CMT Country Music Star Reveals He Has CMT New Youth Council Members A Big Hike in Tiny Chunks…
…4 CMT. Hundreds of people across the country participated to raise funds to support the CMTA’s efforts to find treatments and a cure for CMT. CMTA members and CMTA branch…
Breakthrough Guide to Orthopedic Surgery for CMT
…comprehensive approach to CMT foot surgery. Dr. Glenn Pfeffer and orthopedic surgeons met to define standards for the surgical treatment of foot deformities resulting from CMT. We are incredibly proud…