CMTA Announces New Center of Excellence in Kentucky

The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA), the world’s largest philanthropic funder of research aimed at bringing treatments to patients and improving the lives of those living with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), is excited…

Pete Foley Joins CMTA Board of Directors

Glenolden, PA, June 21, 2021—The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA), the national patient advocacy organization leading CMT research, today announced the appointment of Pete Foley to its Board of Directors. Originally from…

Welcome to the Walk4CMT Toolbox

Welcome to the Walk4CMT Toolbox We are grateful that you have taken on a Walk 4 CMT event! This timeline will help you organize and promote your event, give you…

Walk 4 CMT with CMTA Youth Council Member Riley Williams

CMT Facebook page 2020 Walk 4 CMT Locations California Los Angeles Palo Alto San Diego Colorado Denver District of Columbia Washington DC Florida Miami Parkland Tampa Georgia Atlanta Illinois…

The Summer 2021 CMTA Report

…Grants to Researchers Prepping for CMT1X, CMT2A Clinical Trials Interim Analysis Shows Sustained Benefits of PXT3003 for CMT1A Patients Seeking Participants for Biomarker Study It’s Time to Dance 4 CMT!…

Wilmington, NC CMTA Branch Meeting (In-Person) with Guest Speaker

05/04/2024 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm – Please join us for a CMT get-together on Saturday, May 4 from 10 am – 12 pm at the Northeast Library near Landfall Country Club (see library address below). This will be a fun get together combining a bit of education and a bit of social time. We will welcome special guest speaker, Kelsey Komyathy, […]

Breakthrough Guide to Orthopedic Surgery for CMT

…comprehensive approach to CMT foot surgery. Dr. Glenn Pfeffer and orthopedic surgeons met to define standards for the surgical treatment of foot deformities resulting from CMT. We are incredibly proud…