Simply CMT Podcast
…highlights the CMT community and the work of CMTA. Simply CMT. Empowering Patients, Accelerating Research. Simplified. Interested in being a guest? Email View Archived CMT 4 Me Podcast Episodes…
Therapeutic Inactivation of CMT2 Disease Alleles with CRISPR
…cause CMT2A and CMT2E (MFN2 and NEFL). To develop their gene editing technology, they used induced-pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) from CMT patients often referred to as “disease in a dish”…
Liam, Growing Up with CMT4C
Liam’s CMT Story: Growing Up with CMT4C As an infant, I lived with many challenges, including the inability to stand independently and keep my balance to be able to walk…
Vera Fridman, MD joins the CMTA STAR Advisory Board
…carried out three major natural history studies in CMT, including the largest cross-sectional natural history study in varied forms of CMT, the largest longitudinal study of CMT1A, and the recently…
CMTA Adds Drug Development Expert Martine Garnier to STAR Advisory Board
…CMT patients.” CMT is a progressive disorder of the peripheral nerves that causes people to lose the normal use of their feet and legs. Symptoms include foot deformity (very high…
Manitowoc, WI Cycle4CMT
09/16/2023 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm – Join us at the Manitowoc, Wisconsin Cycle4CMT Cycle4CMT is a volunteer-led national fundraising campaign for the CMTA. By participating in this year-round campaign, you will be joining thousands of others across the country who want to improve the lives of those living with CMT. Funds raised by the Cycle4CMT campaign fuel the CMTA’s mission to […]
State College, PA CMTA Branch Meeting (Virtual) with Guest Speaker
06/26/2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm – Please join us (via Zoom) for the State College, PA CMTA Branch meeting Monday, June 26th at 7:00 pm EST. We will gather virtually to welcome guest speaker, Elizabeth Ouellette from the CMTA Board of Directors. She will share with us information on “CMT and Emotional Wellness.” Elizabeth Ouellette has been with the CMTA for […]
CMTA Announces Participation in Seed Extension Round for Armatus Bio for Novel CMT1A Gene Therapy
First Investment from CMTA’s New Venture Philanthropy Arm The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA) today announced that it participated in the Seed Series Extension syndicate for Armatus Bio, Inc. (Armatus). Armatus is…
Three Major Patient Advocacy Groups Focused on CMT Research Collaborating on FDA “Voice of the Patient” Report
This CMT Awareness Month, the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association (CMTA) is proud to join the Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA) as a sponsor of the Hereditary Neuropathy Foundation (HNF) who will be hosting…
CMTeen Dolphin Outing in PEOPLE Online
Dolphin lover and CMTeen Maddie Leard is helping the CMTA raise money for CMT research. The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association is in the pages of PEOPLE online once again, with a story…