The Summer 2023 CMTA Report

…of interest: CMT Patients Urge Faster Clinical Trials Applied Therapeutics Research Update DTx Treatment for CMT1A Under the Microscope: ASOs CMTA Funds Preclinical Work on CMT1B Mice Summer with CMT

CMTA Lunch & Learn: Neuro-Toxic Medication List Update

07/13/2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Please join us on July 13 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time to hear an update on the newly reviewed and revised CMT Neuro-toxic Medication List. The CMTA funded a grant awarded to Guido Cavaletti, MD at the University of Milano-Bicocca to review and update the current CMT neuro-toxic medication list. Dr. Cavaletti and colleague, Dr. […]


The Dance4CMT is an annual fundraising event organized by the youth of the CMTA. The adults walk to cure CMT and cycle to cure CMT, the youth DANCE to cure…

CMTA Hall of Fame

Honor the CMT rockstar in your life by adding their name to the CMTA’s virtual Sky of Fame! Honor a CMT loved one in your life by adding their name…

Kenneth Hill, Jr., CMT Martial Artist

…the CMTA’s 2022 CMT Patient & Research Summit on October 1, 2022. Ranks: 4th Dan: U.S. Hapkido and U. S. Tae Kwon Do 2nd Dan: International Tang Soo Do and…

Guadalajara, Jalisco Sucursal CMTA en México

La sucursal de CMTA en Guadalajara, Jalisco, México, es para aquellos que tienen la enfermedad de Charcot-Marie-Tooth y sus seres queridos. Los invitamos a unirse a este vibrante grupo de…

CMT2S Research

…we share with you the research projects the CMTA is currently funding. Support CMT Research View the projects currently active or recently completed in the CMT2S drug development pipeline. CMT2S…

New Gene Therapy Development Program for CMT2A

…is for the clinical development of a potential treatment for patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth Neuropathy Type 2A (CMT2A). “CMT2A affects almost all of the severe dominant CMT2 cases and patients suffering…

CMT Guide for School Nurses

…stressful and challenging environment for children with CMT and their families. The Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association created this guide to assist school nurses in caring for children with CMT. Download as PDF…

CMT is on TV!

In the spring of 2015, the CMTA launched a Public Service Announcement, or PSA, about CMT. Since then, we’ve been asking you to continue creating awareness about CMT by posting…