…to treat CMT, to improve the quality of life for people with CMT, and, ultimately, to find a cure. Our vision is a world without CMT. The CMTA fulfills its…
…1-800-606-2682 info@cmtausa.org • www.cmtausa.org The CMTA’s Camp Footprint* is the only camp in the United States just for kids with CMT! It is an annual, FREE, five-day sleepaway camp for…
…Community College and has CMT1A. By Annie Zanchelli* Boston cmteen outing: Quacking Through History I recently had the pleasure of attending the CMTA Patient/Family conference in Nashville, Tennessee. Although I…
…of Social Media Mailing Address: CMTA P.O. Box 105 Glenolden, PA 19036 Phone Number: 1-800-606-2682 • Website: www.cmtausa.org Social media links: Twitter: @CMTASTAR • www.facebook.com/CMTAssociation http://www.linkedin.com/company/charcot-marie-tooth-association YouTube: www.youtube.com/CMTAssociation Increased community…
……………………………………………………….. 23 Demyelinating Initiatives Niacin Treatment for CMT4B ……………………………………………………………… 24 Activating Protein Degradation to Treat CMT1B ………………………………. 24 Gene Therapy for CMT1A, CMT1X and CMT4C………………………………… 24 ATase Inhibition of CMT…
…a focus on CMT my whole career. But when I first started as an orthotist I was at Mass General Hospital. And I just had way more CMT patients than…
Branch Leader Guide
…we would love to hear from you. Please send thoughts and feedback to the CMTA’s Director of Community Outreach, Laurel Richardson – laurel@cmtausa.org. Open as HTML Flipbook Download as PDF…
Muscular Dystrophy Association and Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association Announce Collaborative Non-Viral Gene Therapy Research Grant
…cases are attributed to mutations in just four genes: PMP22 (CMT1A), MPZ (CMT1B), GJB1 (CMT1X), and MFN2 (CMT2A). CMT can be inherited in several ways: autosomal dominant (through a faulty…
CMTAM 2023 Toolkit
Feel free to tag CMTA in your posts using the profiles below: Facebook: @CMTAssociation Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok: @CMTAUSA LinkedIn: @CharcotMarieToothAssociation Hashtags: #CMTAM23, #CMTAUSA, #CMTASTAR, #SeeCMT, #NavigatingCMT CMTA has created…
…quality of life for those living with CMT. For more information about CMT Awareness Month 2023 and how to participate, visit the official CMTA website: https://www.cmtausa.org/get-involved/ cmt-awareness-month-2023/ THERE’S STILL TIME…