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CMTA _2015_Annual_Report
…500 people participated in 34 All-Star events in September, walking, rolling, running and biking “4CMT” and raising an amazing $218,000 in the process. In addition to the All-Star events, a…
…from renowned CMT clinicians and experts. In communities across the country, we’re hosting events including Walk 4 CMT, Cycle (and Walk!) 4 CMT, the Oxford “Fun”Athlon and the New York…
…(c) Other events (d) Total events (add col. (a) through col. (c)) (event type) (event type) (total number) (b) Pull tabs/instant (d) Total gaming (add (a) Bingo (c) Other gaming…
…events activities as part of its fundraising activities, the largest two being the CMTA Golf Outing and CMTA NY Event. The recap for these special events for the years 2016…
…it is not possible to determine exactly when. Obligations for these unmet milestones total approximately $866,837. 6. Special Events & Sale of Promotional Products. The Association runs numerous special events…
…and 2013 was $5,588 and $4,680, respectively. 7. Special Events. The Association runs numerous special events activities as part of its fundraising activities, the largest two being the CMTA Golf…
…salaries for qualified employees to the plan. Plan expense for 2013 and 2012 was $4,680 and $4,986, respectively. 7. Special Events. The Association runs numerous special events activities as part…
…Association runs numerous special events activities as part of its fundraising activities, the largest two being the CMTA Friar’s Dinner and the CMTA Golf Outing.The recap for these special events…
…campaigns, told The CMTA Report: “We want everyone to be able to be a part of these energizing events. The CMTA strives to provide turnkey materials for successful fundraising at…