Keep Hope Alive for Everyone Living with CMT

…CMTA has invested over $17 million in CMTA-STAR research since 2008, making us the largest chartable funder of CMT research globally. But our work isn’t done: Our strategy outlines investments…

Fall 2024 CMTA Report

…in Research platform. IMPACT: A potential treatment for CMT2C. RESEARCH UPDATES At the core of CMTA’s mission, CMTA-STAR (Strategy to Accelerate Research) accelerates pioneering research to develop treatments and ultimately…

2022 Annual Report_spreads

research, community support and stewardship of funds. Since the CMTA instituted its Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR) in 2008, the field of CMT research has grown by leaps and bounds….


…STAR (Strategy to Accelerate Research), our premier research initiative, as well as important community initiatives like Camp Footprint, Patient/Research Conferences, and educational programs. All of these programs require steady, reliable…


…The CMTA Patient & Research Summit covered all my interests. I felt honored to be in the presence of the top researchers and scientists spearheading the research for a cure…