CMTA-STAR Collaboration Celebrates a Decade of CMT Genetic Discovery Through the GENESIS Database
Exciting progress from CMTA’s Strategy To Accelerate Research (STAR) program is once again highlighted with a recent publication celebrating a decade of CMT genomics discovery made possible by the GENESIS…
CMTAWinter2021Report WINTER 2021/2022 CMTATHE REPORT Research Grants and Collaborations Footcare for CMTers Applying for SSDI6 14 17> > > C O N TE N TS WINTER 2021/2022 RESEARCH NEW RESEARCH…
CMTA Announces New Center of Excellence at Virginia Commonwealth University
…FAAN, Director of the Center for Inherited Myology Research (CIMR), Professor, and Vice Chair of Research in Neurology at VCU. Dr. Johnson is a distinguished neuromuscular specialist with a robust…
Statement from CMTA’s Chief Executive Officer, Sue Bruhn, PhD
…rare diseases, federal support for biomedical research and stability at national public health agencies are essential to advancing lifesaving programs and public health initiatives. Through CMTA’s Strategy To Accelerate Research…
Actio Biosciences Doses First Participant in Phase I Clinical Trial | Future Phase Ib Clinical Trial to Focus on CMT2C
…as they move this program forward for people living with CMT2C. Get Involved in CMT Research Not yet registered with Patients as Partners in Research? By registering, you’ll be among…
CMTA Announces Strategic Partnership with Acceleron to Advance CMT Treatment Options
…developing medicines to treat serious and rare diseases, including CMT. The CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR) connects top CMT clinicians and academic researchers with pharmaceutical partners committed to developing…
CMTA Adds Drug Development Expert Martine Garnier to STAR Advisory Board
…disease. It does so with an aggressive, multipronged attack, bringing together a group of top-flight researchers and experts and directly funding their work. CMTA launched its Strategy to Accelerate Research,…
…picture of how prevalent CMT actually is. • Influences and perhaps changes the direction CMT research will take. • Stimulates research interest and attracts more research funds. • Speeds up…
…picture of how prevalent CMT actually is. • Influences and perhaps changes the direction CMT research will take. • Stimulates research interest and attracts more research funds. • Speeds up…
…Target Discovery Discovery 1A Discovery Research Tools Preclinical Phase1 Phase2 Phase3 10 11 32+ Research Partners 50+ Research Projects $17M+ in Research Funding D E M Y E L I…