Family Planning For CMT – Part 2

…be a continued relationship of some kind with the biological parents (open or closed adoption). It is important for a family considering adoption to do the research and identify all…

Pete Foley Joins CMTA Board of Directors

…nerves die, the muscles around them follow suit. All of the CMTA’s research efforts are consolidated under the banner of STAR—which brings together the world’s largest network of biotech research

Gene Therapy Advances for CMT4J, CMT4A and GAN

…exploring additional CMT types that could benefit”. If you would like to support the CMTA’s research efforts, please make a donation in support of the CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research….

The Adventures of Archy

…and she talked about “Archy” the mascot turtle of the association and how he has CMT. She explained that the point of the program was to raise money for research

CMT Type 1

…not have a GJB1 gene). The sex of the parent or the child ONLY matters in X-linked inheritance. Research on CMT Type 1X Research for Demyelinating Forms of CMT ⟶…