Fall 2024 CMTA Report: Unity. Strength. Progress.

…issue covers transformative programs like Camp Footprint, which fosters leadership and confidence in young people with CMT, and recaps the 2024 CMTA Patient & Research Summit, where groundbreaking research and…

Translational Advances

The CMTA’s research is done in teams consisting of academic labs and clinical centers sponsored by the CMTA (STAR members), working together and with alliance partners in consortium team efforts….

CMTA Announces New Center of Excellence in Thailand

…receiving her training from leading CMT specialist Michael Shy, MD, at the University of Iowa, she became interested in clinical research with children living with CMT. Her recent research includes…


…continues to increase every month. Not only is our network of partners expanding, but so is the impact of our research breakthroughs. Last July, a research paper was published on…


…is available to the worldwide research commu- nity, making the challenge of identifying culprit genes easier. With more genomes and exomes from CMT patients available to researchers, the research com-…

CMTA Report Fall 2021

…DR. SHY WINS PRESTIGIOUS RESEARCH AWARD …………………………………………….. 13 PETE FOLEY JOINS BOARD OF DIRECTORS ………………………………………………………. 13 JAMAL HILL TAKES BRONZE AT PARALYMPICS …………………………………………………. 21 BRANCH NOTES …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 22 UK CMTER…


Research Columbia University 622 W 113th Street New York, NY 10025 13-5598093 60,964 cash CMT Research MDA 8400 E. Grant Road 170 Tucson, AZ 85715 13-1665552 28,897 cash CMT Research


…leading non-profit organization dedicated to finding a cure for CMT. The CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR) program brings top researchers together with pharmaceutical and biotechnology partners to accelerate scientific…

CMTA _2015_Annual_Report

…pharmaceutical companies and small research organizations, creating groundbreaking, efficient results at each step of discovery. RESEARCH STAR – CMT Type 1A CMT Type 1A is caused by the duplication of…