…clinician and researcher Dr. Michael Shy, head of the CMTA’s new Clinical Expert Board. Topics will include bracing, foot care, physical therapy, CMT research updates and our famous lunch with…
…the gene analysis software that most researchers use. Using a different strategy, the researchers found the relevant variations hidden behind a “pseudogene.” Pseudogenes mir- ror the DNA sequence of their…
The CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research Br ea kt hr ou gh s Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association The CMTA’s Strategy to Accelerate Research Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association to a c ur e There are…
…disease research outside of the federal government, MDA has committed more than $1 billion since our inception to accelerate the discovery of therapies and cures. Research we have supported is…
The Winter 2022 CMTA Report
The 2022 Winter CMTA Report – Special Research Edition (5071 downloads ) VIEW IN BROWSER In addition to our regular features, this issue of The CMTA Report is packed with…
The Spring 2021 CMTA Report
DOWNLOAD AS PDF VIEW IN BROWSER The Special Research Edition of the Spring 2021 CMTA Report is available now and full of information for you. Inside, we bring you coverage…
The Spring 2022 CMTA Report
…support each other. They write stories for the newsletter, staff our help desk and provide graphic design. They also provide crucial information to the researchers trying to cure CMT, taking…
Exercise and Nutrition for Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (CMT)
…research and critical questions around dietary and supplemental needs. Learn how to safely implement nutritional management strategies without strict dietary protocols for improved health outcomes living with CMT. Managing CMT…
A COMMUNITY DRIVEN TO SUCCEED ACCELERATING RESEARCH EMPOWERING PATIENTS This gathering of patients, their families, clinicians and researchers became the Charcot-Marie-Tooth Association. In the years since then, the CMTA has…
The Fall 2020 CMTA Report
…issue is available now and full of information for you. Inside, we bring you coverage of CMT research projects with a special focus on CMT1A, stories and perspectives from people…