CMT1A Research Breakthrough!

A paper published December 4th on the Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) website reveals an exciting potential treatment for patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT), the progressive neuromuscular disease that affects more…

CMTA Board of Directors

…as leading the charge for development of treatments. Bernard Coulie Bernard is the CEO and President of Pliant Therapeutics, a NASDAQ-listed biopharmaceutical company focused on developing novel treatments for rare…


…meeting, a parallel effort to FDA’s PFDD initiative to more systematically obtain patients’ perspectives on the burden of disease and impact of current treatments or lack thereof in Hyattsville, Maryland…

CMTA Report_Winter 2024 – STAR Special Edition_Download

…By supporting these efforts, you’re helping to turn groundbreaking research into real-world treatments that can change lives. SMALL MOLECULE THERAPIES: EXPANDING TREATMENT POSSIBILITIES Small molecule therapies offer a promising approach…

Studying Neurodegeneration in CMT1X Mouse Model

…If differences are found, the team can then investigate if those can be restored to wild type mice levels after treatment. At the in-life-phenotyping level, the team found the speed…