CMTA Lunch & Learn: Neuro-Toxic Medication List Update

07/13/2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm – Please join us on July 13 at 12:00 p.m. Eastern Time to hear an update on the newly reviewed and revised CMT Neuro-toxic Medication List. The CMTA funded a grant awarded to Guido Cavaletti, MD at the University of Milano-Bicocca to review and update the current CMT neuro-toxic medication list. Dr. Cavaletti and colleague, Dr. […]


…further accelerate progress. The CMTA is committed to supporting clinical trial readiness and roll-out for CMT and we look forward to the next chapter of this treatment’s development.” DTx Pharma…


…further accelerate progress. The CMTA is committed to supporting clinical trial readiness and roll-out for CMT and we look forward to the next chapter of this treatment’s development.” DTx Pharma…


…further accelerate progress. The CMTA is committed to supporting clinical trial readiness and roll-out for CMT and we look forward to the next chapter of this treatment’s development.” DTx Pharma…


…approved ASO-based treatments for several neuromuscular conditions, including spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and familial amyloid neuropathy. The study uses the same chemistry as the SMA treatment (Nusinersen) to accelerate potential…

Fall 2024 CMTA Report

treatments that will bring hope to the entire CMT community. Attendees left confident, knowing that every project supported by the CMTA brings us closer to effective treatments for all CMT,…

CMTA 2023 Annual Report

…to address many types of CMT and bring effective treatments to patients. The new projects approved in 2023 cover both axonal and demyelinating types of CMT, including treatment approaches applicable…

CMTA 2023 Annual Report Download

…committed to our mission of supporting the development of new treatments for CMT, improving the quality of life for those with CMT, and ultimately finding a cure. Your support, passion,…