Inside this Special Research Edition of the Spring 2021 CMTA Report, we bring you coverage of every aspect of CMTA-STAR from cross-type initiatives to our demyelinating and axonal research portfolios to clinical trial readiness—and so much more.
Thanks for coming back! We haven’t been able to send you CMTA eNews for several years, and a lot has happened since then.
As you can see in the Spring 2021 special research edition of The CMTA Report, our CMTA-STAR has made amazing progress toward developing therapeutic treatments for many types of CMT. We’re working together with top researchers around the world, and we have numerous projects underway with our STAR Biotech Alliance Partners, so we’re closer than ever before to having drugs in clinical trials.
But that’s not all. The COVID-19 pandemic, while preventing us from holding in-person branch meetings and Patient/Family Conferences, has turned out to be a blessing in disguise because we’ve had to figure out new ways to connect with our CMTA community members and keep them informed and engaged.
We did our first Patient/Family Conference via Zoom last year, many of our branches now hold meetings via Zoom, and we’ve also been hosting CMTA Virtual Programs on topics ranging from foot surgery to nutrition.
Even Camp Footprint will be going virtual for the second year in a row, and many of our Walks 4 CMT have also gone virtual. You can “Just Own It” if you want to do your own virtual challenge.
Oh, and did you notice that we have a newly redesigned website as of 2019? There’s lots of useful information, so please take a few minutes (or hours) to look around.
But before you do that, please take a moment and sign-up to receive eNews so we can keep you up-to-date and informed about everything that’s going on.
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