Page 4 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 4

University of Miami Researchers

           Find New CMT Type That May Be

                        Treatable with Diabetes Drugs

                                 niversity of Miami       recessive form of the disease.
                                 researchers led by       Dr. Züchner and his colleagues
                                 Dr. Stephan Züchner      are looking to screen undiagnosed
                                 have discovered a new    CMT patients to identify as many
                                 type of CMT that may     patients as possible in preparation
                                 be treatable with the    for clinical trials.
                        Usame drugs used to                  “We’re very optimistic about
                         reduce elevated sorbitol in people  the therapy going forward,”
                         with diabetes.                   Dr. Züchner said, noting that the
                             The initial discovery was    drug basically cured CMT in fruit
                         made by Andrea Cortese, MD,      flies. “This is a remarkable discov-
                         and Adriana Rebelo, PhD, who     ery only possible due to large scale
                         worked with a large group of     genomic data aggregation from
                         CMT2 families convened by the    volunteering CMT patients,” he
                         Inherited Neuropathy Consor-     added.
                         tium, with support from the         Dr. Züchner, MD, PhD, is     Dr. Stephan Züchner
                         National Institutes of Health, the  a professor of human genetics
                         CMTA and many others.            and neurology and chair of the  researchers use. Using a different
                             The newly discovered type is  Dr. John T. Macdonald Founda-  strategy, the researchers found the
                         caused by a mutated SORD (sor-   tion Department of Human        relevant variations hidden behind
                         bitol dehydrogenase) gene that   Genetics at the University of   a “pseudogene.” Pseudogenes mir-
                         raises sorbitol levels so high they  Miami Miller School of Medicine.  ror the DNA sequence of their
                         cause nerve damage. Researchers  He is also a member of the      active counterparts, but have no
                         found that treating fruit flies with  CMTA’s STAR Advisory Board.  function.
                         a diabetes drug (aldose reductase  He and his team—Rebelo, associ-  After identifying the gene, the
                         inhibitors) reduced their high lev-  ate scientist at the Hussman  team identified 45 individuals from
                         els of sorbitol to near normal.  Institute for Human Genomics,   38 families who had the specific
                             An estimated 3,000–5,000     and Cortese, a visiting scholar  mutation. With gene and patients
                         people in the United States—and  from University College of Lon-  identified, the next step was finding
                         more than 60,000 worldwide—      don—discovered the SORD         the necessary animal model.
                         may have this type of CMT,       mutation “hidden” from the gene    Serendipity intervened in the
                         making it the most common        analysis software that most     person of R. Grace Zhai, PhD,
                                                                                          senior associate dean for basic
                                                                                          science research and associate
                           Readers interested in being screened for the new type should fill out a  professor in the Department of
                           Patients as Partners in Research profile. The criteria for screening are:   Molecular and Cellular Pharma-
                           1) you have received a diagnosis of CMT, but genetic testing did not  cology at the Miller School. Her
                             reveal with certainty the responsible gene;                  lab is right across the street from
                           2) your parents never had CMT symptoms.                        Dr. Züchner’s and the two of
                                                                                                           (continued on page 6)

                         This piece was adapted from an article by Damian McNamara in Inventum, published by the University of Miami Miller
                         School of Medicine. The full article is available at

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