Page 8 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 8

CMT1A Research Agenda

                         Fuller  than Ever

                              ack at the dawn of the Strat-  maintained at a specific level to ini-  OVERALL NEXT STEPS
                              egy to Accelerate Research  tiate the degeneration program.  INCLUDE:
                              (STAR), the CMTA decided   Several approaches have emerged  l The progression of all types of
                              to focus its initial research  to try to prevent axon degeneration  CMT occurs as the longest
                        Befforts on CMT1A because        and preserve nerve function.       axons are compromised in a
                         it affects more people than any     Second, the maintenance of     process called axon degenera-
                         other type. While the CMTA’s    myelin around the long axons in    tion. We are working with
                         focus has expanded in the decade  the peripheral nervous system    partners to develop chemical
                         since, it is not neglecting Type1A.  depends on a number of meta-  inhibitors of the triggers of axon
                         In fact, the 1A agenda is fuller  bolic pathways. For example, the  degeneration. We are currently
                         than ever before.               formation and maintenance of the   testing the applicability of this
                             In addition to the recently  myelin sheath are tightly coupled  approach to multiple models of
                         funded projects outlined on p. 7,  to lipid synthesis pathways. More-  CMT1A and collaborating with
           The CMTA      the CMTA has formed research    over, as documented in several     several companies on candidate
            is actively  alliance relationships with compa-  studies (including a recent lecithin  drugs to promote axon survival
          engaged in     nies specializing in small molecule,  study from Dr. Michael W.    and preserve nerve function.
          therapeutic    biological and genetic therapies  Sereda’s laboratory at the Max   Additional studies to validate
                                                         Planck Institute for Experimental
                         and is now actively engaged in
               testing   therapeutic testing alliances with  Medicine in Göttingen,         this as a legitimate target for
        alliances with   organizations interested in creating  Germany), one of the metabolic  CMT1A are needed.
        organizations    new therapies for CMT disorders  aspects of CMT1A neuropathy     l Target screens for CMT1A have
         interested in   or in re-positioning therapies  is the downregulation of lipid     identified some pathways that
                                                                                            regulate PMP22 levels, and can-
        creating new     developed for other diseases.   production that is required for    didate compounds from these
                             Apart from enabling com-
         therapies or    pany-sponsored efforts, we are   maintenance of axons and myelin.  screens are being tested using
                                                         Therefore, the maintenance of
        repositioning    also actively identifying novel  Schwann cell metabolism and sup-  cell-based assays in preparation
      ones developed     approaches and opportunities to  port of axon health is likely central  for animal model testing.
             for other   develop therapies for CMT1A.    to CMT1A and other types of      l Recent studies have shown
            diseases.    There are a number of new initia-  CMT. Some studies have employed  that lipid metabolic pathways
                         tives and opportunities in the  cholesterol or lecithin as ways to  are affected in CMT1A, and
                         works.                          restore myelination, but these     strategies to stimulate the neces-
                             Studies of peripheral nerve  involve agents that likely do not  sary production of lipids to
                         and CMT neuropathy have         completely rescue metabolic        maintain myelin and axons are
                         revealed the central role of metabo-  defects in CMT1A Schwann cells.  ready for testing once we secure
                         lism in maintaining the energy of   On another front, while the    the needed funds for animal
                         axons that conduct nerve impulses.  CMTA has initiated several studies  model testing.
                         The energy source for nerves    to advance anti-sense oligonu-   l Finally, new therapeutic
                         comes from mitochondria and     cleotide (ASO) and adeno-          approaches are being developed
                         mitochondrial defects cause neu-  associated virus (AAV) genetic   to manipulate the levels of over-
                         ropathy. There are two approaches  therapies for CMT1A, delivering  expressed proteins. These are
                         for addressing the metabolic issues  them to Schwann cells remains a  being tested in CMT1B with
                         of neuropathy affecting myelin in  fundamental issue. Depending on  possible application to CMT1A.
                         CMT1A. First, the critical factor  the results of ongoing pilot studies
                         driving CMT progression is axon  and emerging ideas, the CMTA       The CMTA has established a
                         degeneration, which has been    will likely need to increase invest-  unique capability to develop new
                         shown to involve a critical metabo-  ments to make these types of  therapies directly with companies
                         lite, NAD, that must be         therapies safer and more efficient.  and to expertly test those potential

      8  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2020
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