Page 12 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 12
Vermont Cycle
(and Walk!) 4 CMT
Goes International
Vermont Cycle (and Walk) 4 CMT founder Chris Ouellette (second from right) and members of Team Vermont
wenty teams and 132 partic- working team at the CMTA Superpower Team, joined Chris
ipants from all over the and the relentless commitment of Ouellette and friends in a 40-mile
United States and Canada our supporters, the VIRTUAL ride to honor Julianna Yuri Snow,
took part in the Seventh Cycle (and Walk!) 4 CMT was who died at the age of 5 from
T Annual Vermont Cycle (and supremely successful.” complications of CMT. From
“Thanks to the Walk!) 4 CMT, which migrated “We are profoundly grateful Ontario, Canada, Toronto
power of social online due to the pandemic. The to all our participants near and far Branch Co-leader Michael
media, the virtual event raised more than for their unwavering dedication to Driedger challenged himself to
hard-working $200,000 for CMT research. funding treatment-driven CMT ride 1,000 kilometers, while his
team at the In past years, the Cycle (and research,” he added, noting that Co-leader Linda Scott Barber
walked 4 CMT. Suzi Moore
matching gifts from CMTA board
CMTA and Walk!) 4 CMT was, as the name members super-charged the entire hopped on her trusty Terra Trike
the relentless indicates, primarily a cycling and CMTA community to make this and rode more than 200 miles
walking event. The pandemic
commitment of forced the event to go virtual, year’s virtual event a triumph. with her children and grandchild.
our supporters, which meant participants could do Over the past seven years, the The energy, enthusiasm and
the VIRTUAL their events wherever they wanted, Cycle (and Walk!) 4 CMT has commitment to this year’s event
Cycle (and whenever they wanted. Each chose raised more than $1.2 million for were palpable throughout August
Walk!) 4 CMT their own activity—rowing, swim- CMT research. and September.
was supremely ming, wheelchair rolling and Thanks to the virtual The Cycle (and Walk!) 4
successful.” horseback riding—then friends, nature of the event, there were CMT event fundraising pages
family and donors tracked their lots of highlights this year. Team will be open until December 31.
progress online. Chunky Monkey Torpedoes Please visit to
Event founder Chris Ouel- (CMT), led by Mary Cate learn more or to sponsor a partici-
lette, who biked 300 miles over Zipprich, drove to Vermont with pant. Plans are in the works for
three days for the 3 million people her teammates to ride the tradi- both virtual and in-person events
with CMT, said, “Thanks to the tional Vermont course. Paul next year: Stay tuned for more
power of social media, the hard- Kang, who created the Love is a details! h