Page 17 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 17
Anthony Zahn:
aralympic cyclist and CMT activist Anthony Zahn passed
away from pancreatic cancer on August 7 at the age of 45.
PA longtime member of the CMTA, Anthony served as an
ambassador for the association while coaching cyclists at all
ability levels.
Anthony's wife, Liz Bernstein, set up an “In Memory”
page on the Cycle 4 CMT website ( in his
honor. She also organized a memorial ride on his favorite
route in Mill Valley, California, to mark the 12-year anniver- Anthony competed in the 2008 and 2012 Paralympic Games and won
a bronze medal in 2008.
sary of his medal-winning performance at the Beijing
Paralympics. him two years to rise through the ranks to the very highest
As a teenager, Anthony Anthony’s level of competition, the USA National “A” Team. In 2008,
dreamed of riding in the Tour de he won a bronze medal at the Beijing Paralympics.
France despite the pain in his grit and Four years later, Anthony was hit by a car at a World Cup
knees. After a neurologist diag- determination race, causing a concussion, two cracked ribs and a separated
nosed CMT, he decided that he inspired many shoulder. Despite his injuries, Anthony traveled to London
could be even more famous as the just six weeks later, putting together two eighth-place finishes
first person to ride in the event people, no in the 2012 Paralympics.
with a degenerative neuromuscular matter what Anthony retired from bicycle racing in 2014 because he
condition. their athletic no longer had the energy for the training required to compete
Anthony won the first race he ability. at a world-class level. After his retirement, he coached other
ever entered, a relay triathlon in cyclists at all levels, from weekend athletes to Paralympic
which he rode the bicycling por- hopefuls. He was guest of honor at the 2019 Vermont Cycle
tion of the race. He went on to compete in road races until a (and Walk!) 4 CMT.
fellow racer with multiple sclerosis suggested that he race as a Anthony’s grit and determination inspired many people,
Para-athlete. no matter what their athletic ability. He used his sports fame
Anthony’s disability was officially classified in July 2005 to shine a light on CMT and he will be sorely missed by
and he soon began competing as a disabled athlete. It took everyone in the community. h
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