Page 18 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 18

Awareness Month Celebrates

                         CMT Champions

                              he CMTA family once again
                              came together during Aware-
                              ness Month 2020 to tell the
                              world about the rare disease.
                         T We also recognized and cele-
                         brated our “champions with
                         CMT”—the people who inspire
                         us and lift us up with the courage,
                         strength and heart they show in
                         facing the daily challenges of living
                         with the disease. Completing fun
                         and engaging activities and chal-
                         lenges, the CMTA community
                         gained greater knowledge of CMT,
                         educated peers and health care  nity. CMT’s extensive and deep   times online. Challenging them-
                         professionals and championed our  impact on daily life—socially,  selves and their social networks
                         cause: a cure for CMT.          professionally, emotionally and  with a “What is CMT?” Quiz
                             As CMT patients know all    physically—is an experience that  and gathering on Zoom for an
                         too well, meeting someone who   patients are uniquely qualified to  educational “CMT Mythbusting”
                         knows about CMT is rare.        voice.                           event, community members
                         Although CMT affects 3 million      The CMTA Youth Council       seized the opportunity to deepen
                         people worldwide, relatively few  kicked off the month with energy  their knowledge of CMT and
                         people have heard of it, even   and enthusiasm, creating and     leverage it to make an impact.
                         within the health care commu-   broadcasting a “Breaking News    The CMTA family shared our
                                                         Report” that was viewed 3,654    “What is CMT?” informational
                                                                                          graphic on social media 2,372
                                                                                          times, reaching 215,092 unique
                            My Champion                                                   individuals online. We rallied

                                                                                          together to make the patient
                            By Vanessa Pope                                               voice heard, helping educate
                                                                                          health care workers locally and
                            My daddy, Rayford Redding, is
                            my CMT champion! He is 66                                     nationally by disseminating CMT
                            years old and when he was 17                                  educational and advocacy com-
                            they told him he would be in a                                municational pieces.
                            wheelchair by 21. This strong-                                   The CMTA family contains
                            willed, hard-headed man walks                                 many champions. From veteran
                            to this day and will run circles                              branch leaders and board mem-
                            around any “young” man when it                                bers to young walk participants
                            comes to working. He has                                      and new donors, every one of our
                            beaten all odds and shows me                                  members deserves to be cele-
                            every day that I can do anything                              brated for their determination
                            I want, even with CMT. He has shown me that some things are dif-  and passion in raising awareness
                            ficult to do when you have CMT, but there are other ways to do  and the funds that make our
                            them. He is brave and amazing and I love him so much! He inspires  shared mission possible. With the
                            me to believe in myself and do my best at all times, never give up  help of these champions, the
                            and never sit down, go the extra mile and achieve all my goals.  CMTA is accelerating the field of
                                                                                          CMT research toward treatments
                                                                                          and a cure. h

      18  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2020
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