Page 15 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 15



      energy and excitement for the   student and Aïko, 24, a clinical
      research, he pointed out, quoting  researcher in cancers—have both
      Ralph Waldo Emerson’s words:    been instructing him on basic       ACCORDING TO THE DICTIONARY,
      “Nothing great was ever achieved  biological science.               an innervator is a nerve stimulator. According to the
      without enthusiasm.”                Dan’s CMT journey started       CMTA, an INNERVATOR is an action-oriented donor
                                                                          who gives monthly to the organization, sustaining
         In deciding to join the      fairly recently. Now 60, he played
                                                                          STAR (Strategy to Accelerate Research), our premier
      CMTA’s quest, Dan was also      rugby in his early 30s until he
                                                                          research initiative, as well as important community
      influenced by its four-star, or  blew out one knee and had to       initiatives like Camp Footprint, Patient/Family
      exceptional, rating from Charity  have it reconstructed. He blew out  Conferences and educational programs. All of these
      Navigator, indicating that the  his other knee while skiing at the  programs require steady, reliable support from
      CMTA exceeds industry standards  age of 50, requiring a second      committed donors. Please join the Innervators today!
      and outperforms most charities in  reconstruction. Afterward, he
      its cause. The CMTA pays close  developed foot drop and noticed
                                                                          Tracy Adamson          Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Meloni
      attention to costs, he observed,  he wasn’t running quite as well
                                                                          Scott Allen            Ronnie Mendoza
      and really knows how “to make   and his balance wasn’t great, but   Brendan Bennett        Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mersing
      a little bit of money                     his sports injuries       Lorna Brand            William Millar
      scream.”                                  masked the neuro -        Deborah Breuer         Mrs. Susan Moore
                                                                                                 Ms. Alba Moratinos
                                                                          Dr. and Mrs. William Buchanan
         Above all, it was      “This is        pathy. He began to        Ms. Cynthia Carroll    Ms. Cara Natale
      the organization’s       a serious        suspect CMT after         William Chandler       Mr. Gary Oelze
      Strategy to Accelerate                    his French father was     Mr. Peter Cherpes      Mr. and Mrs. Pamela Palmer
      Research (STAR) that  organization        diagnosed at the age      David Coldiron         Jeannie Palmero
                                                                                                 Ms. Cristina Penas
                                                                          Peter Cole
      appealed to his sense                     of 80, by chance at       Cheryl Collins         Jonathan Preston
      of business strategy.  full of people     La Pitié-Salpêtrière in   Patti Condon           Susan Rems
                                                                          James Copeland         Raymond Roth
      The global partner-    with serious       Paris, where Drs. Jean-   John Cordonnier        Mrs. Margery Sayward
      ships it has fostered                     Martin Charcot and        Diane Covington        Karen Scacco
      with leading acade-  backgrounds.”        Pierre Marie worked       Laura Dillon           Mario  Scacco
      mic, pharmaceutical,                      in the late 19th cen-     Grace Dipisa           Donald Schlosser
                                                                          Ms. Marilynn Dodge     Seina Searle
      biotech and service                       tury. That led him to     Mr. and Mrs. Rick Fansler  Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith
      companies using the latest genetic  the CMTA Center of Excellence   James Fiorentino       Mr. Bruce Spackman
      and neurological technologies   at the University of Pennsylvania,  Tim Garmager           Ms. Joyce Steinkamp
                                                                          Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Giles  Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stetor
      strikes him as a remarkably disci-  where Dr. Scherer confirmed his
                                                                          Amy Grey               Mrs. Patricia Tedford
      plined approach to solving CMT.  diagnosis of an unidentified       Mr. Randy Gunn         Mr. David Thomas
         All in all, Dan says he has a  Type 2.                           Mr. and Mrs. William Helmke  Mr. and Mrs. William Tilburg
                                                                          Diann Jackson          Mr. and Mrs. Ophir Trigalo
      strong sense that he is joining an  Dan was no stranger to the
                                                                          Mark Johnsen           Payton  Turner
      organization just hitting its sweet  University of Pennsylvania, where  Mr. Doug Kampe     Lynn Upton
      spot of momentum and impact.    he earned his MBA in 1988.          Heather Kercher        Ms. Patricia Van Riper
      While some organizations develop  Afterward, wanting to learn an    Drs. Craig and Andrea Kesack  Angela Vandersteen
                                                                          Holmquist Koula        Bruce Vieira
      a sense of complacency after suc-  Asian language, he moved to      Ella Lafara            Steve Williard
      cess, he believes the CMTA has  Japan, where he taught English in   Jennifer Larkin        Robert Wills
      the excitement and enthusiasm to  a rural public school, and he met  Rosemarie Littleton   Mr. Daniel Woltjer
                                                                          Alice Markley
      sustain the existing momentum.  his wife Etsuko. Today, they live
      “The extremely heavy lifting has  in Princeton, New Jersey.
      been done,” he notes, though        While Dan won’t be watching      “Monthly giving is the easiest
      there is still a long way to go.  a lot of sports in retirement, he     way to stand up and fight,
         Dan called the task of learn-  says that the CMTA’s match         without fail, for STAR and the
      ing about CMT both a “daunting  against CMT “has all the excite-             mission of the CMTA.”
      challenge” and an interesting   ment of a good sporting event.”
                                                                                           —Joyce Steinkamp
      opportunity. His two daughters—  He’s sure it’s a contest the CMTA
      Anna, 26, a second-year medical  will win. h

                                                                                             FALL 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   15
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