Page 14 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 14

W H Y   I   G I V E :

        New CMTA Board Member Dan Chamby is jumping in with both feet,                    it. He also sees strength in the
            issuing a challenge to the CMT community to match his $200,000                CMTA’s diversity, noting that the
                                                                                          organization comprises scientists,
                donation for 2020 by year’s end. A former portfolio manager               business people, educators and

                 for BlackRock, Dan explains why he made the commitment—                  patients all working toward the
                          and what his due diligence revealed about the CMTA.             same goal. “This is a serious orga-
                                                                                          nization full of people with serious
                                                                                          backgrounds,” he says, and on top
                                                                                          of their diplomas, there’s also a
                                   nergy,” “enthusiasm”   part. The difference between the  strong sense of dedication. Dan
                                   and “expertise” are the  two is that the great ones have  praised Gilles for “harnessing a
                                   three words new Board  energy and enthusiasm and a     core group of people and focusing
                                   Member Dan Chamby      strong sense of mission and collab-  their energy to transcend the ele-
                         “Euses to describe the           oration.”                       ments that create dysfunction.”
                         CMTA. Dan already has the first     Dan sees that sense of mission   Dan says he hadn’t thought
                         two—in spades. With his business  and collaboration in the CMTA,  much about the CMTA’s commu-
                         background and an attitude of    which he compared to BlackRock  nity outreach efforts before joining
                         “Hey, Coach, put me in the game  for its ability to “swarm” a prob-  the board but has come to under-
                         I want to help out,” there’s no  lem, with everyone putting      stand that “one benefits the other.”
                         doubt that he’ll soon develop the  everything they have into solving  The community provides the
                         CMT expertise needed to help
                         steer the CMTA ship toward a
                                                            The Chamby Family, left to right:
                         cure.                              Etsuko, Anna, Aïko and Dan
                             Dan retired in March after a
                         27-year career as a portfolio man-
                         ager with BlackRock. Determined
                         not to sit around watching sports
                         in retirement, he asked his neurol-
                         ogist, Dr. Steven Scherer, what he
                         could do to help the CMTA.
                         Scherer put him in touch with
                         CMTA Board Chair Gilles
                         Bouchard, who put him in touch
                         with other board members and
                         staffers, culminating in his joining
                         the board in May.
                             Before coming on board, Dan
                         did his due diligence, just as he
                         would before making any invest-
                         ment. He looked carefully at the
                         CMTA’s mission, management
                         and finances. He was impressed
                         with the engagement and energy
                         of everyone he spoke with. “In my
                         career, I’ve worked with some
                         great organizations and some
                         mediocre organizations,” Dan
                         says. “They were populated by
                         really smart people for the most
      14  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2020
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