Page 20 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 20

Sole-Searching: Finding Shoes to Fit Your

                         Feet and Personality

                         BY BETH DELORIA                     The good news is that more      To address these issues and
                                                         stylish, orthotic-friendly shoes and  restore proper alignment and gait,
                            id you know that shoes can   boots are available today than ever  the next two pieces of the puz-
                            reveal someone’s traits or char-  before. The key to finding your  zle—the orthotic insert and the
                         Dacteristics? A 2012 study      perfect shoe is to first understand  AFO—are critical. When properly
                         showed that 90 percent of a per-  how footwear fits into a four-part  designed and paired, customized
                         son’s personality is reflected in his  puzzle:                   inserts and AFOs can offer many
                         or her choice of footwear. For                                   long-term benefits: pain allevia-
                         those of us who need shoes that                                  tion, fall-prevention, better ankle
                         accommodate ankle-foot-orthoses                                  stability, improved proprioception
                         (AFOs), what do our shoes say                                    and balance, higher energy levels,
                         about our personalities? Are our                                 decreased rates of muscle atrophy,
                         personalities altered by our diag-                               increased confidence and better
                         noses? Is this reflected in our shoes?                           overall quality of life.
                             Of course not! We are not                                       However, even a perfect
                         defined by our injuries or condi-                                insert-AFO combination is incom-
                         tions even though we may feel       Each of the above compo-     plete without the fourth and final
                         confined by them at times. This is  nents is totally interdependent.  piece—the shoe. The characteris-
                         why one of the most common      The first piece represents your foot  tics and design of the shoe will
                         complaints from AFO-wearers is  and its unique characteristics. For  determine what benefits the
                         not being able to wear the shoes of  CMTers, these may include high  orthotic devices provide, and the
                         our choice; we want the same style  arches, toe curl, ankle instability  same care should be taken when
                         options as everyone else.       and foot drop.                   selecting and customizing your

      20  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2020
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