Page 22 - Fall 2020 CMTA Report
P. 22

City Living Helps CMTer Stay Active

                         BY MIKE DRIEDGER                 has made daily exercise, especially  Urban living has allowed me
                                                          in our harsh Canadian winter,   to stay physically active on a regular
                               s someone with CMT,        much easier—all I have to do is go  basis. In fact, many urban centers
                               I’ve found that living     downstairs! Even at the end of a  like Toronto actually make it harder
                               in a city—in my case,      long day, having the pool and gym  and more expensive to drive than
                               Toronto—has made main-     only a few floors away makes it  to walk, cycle or take public transit.
                         A taining a healthy and active   hard to be lazy. On average, I  I’m active and getting physical exer-
                         lifestyle easy. Of course, urban   swim about two km (1.2 miles)  cise just going about my daily life.
                         living might not work for you.   each week. And now, after 12    Whether heading to work, shop-
                         But I’d like to share with you how  years of living with these ameni-  ping for groceries, running errands,
                                                          ties, I can’t imagine living without  visiting friends or heading out on
                                                          them.                           the town, I’m using my own body
                                                             Toronto is a dense metropolis  to get there. Plus, having a gym
                                                          with many walkable neighbor-    and pool in my building means I
                                                          hoods. Most of central Toronto  don’t have any excuses, even when
                                                          has a high walk score, which    I’m home.
                                                          means most amenities—grocery        Luckily for me, my wife loves
                                                          stores, pharmacies, community   being active and exercising too,
                                                          centers, restaurants and bars—are  maybe even more than I do, and
                                                          within walking distance of resi-  she often pushes me to keep
                                                          dential areas. So, I walk a lot. I  going. We joke that our hobby is
                                                          walk for groceries with a wheeled  exercise.
                                                          “drag bag.” I walk to run errands,  As someone with CMT, I find
                                                          go out to restaurants and meet up  that this works really well to
                                                          with friends and family.        ensure I’m fit and staying active.
                                                             For distances a little farther  Not only do my daily routines and
                                                          away, I walk to public transit  life keep me mobile, but I actually
                                                          stops, take a bus, subway, or   enjoy swimming, cycling and
                                                          streetcar, and then walk the rest of  going on long walks in my spare
                                                          the trip. As I already mentioned, I  time. Urban living has made all of
                                                          walk with a cane most of the time,  this easy.
                                                          but I occasionally switch to walk-  I’ve found that the best path
                                                          ing poles in the winter.        for physical health is about mak-
      Author Mike        I owe much of my health, mobil-     When I’m not walking, I’m    ing exercise a part of my daily
      Driedger with his
      trusty bike        ity and happiness to living in a  biking. I bicycle to work most of  routine—and making it as easy as
                         walkable and bikeable community.  the year, except during the iciest  possible. Even if big-city living
                             To start, let me introduce   and snowiest months of winter.  won’t work for you, maybe it
                         myself. My name’s Mike. I’m a    During those months I drive my  would benefit someone you know.
                         39-year-old male living in Toronto  car—yes, I have a car but only  If you’re young and still trying to
                         with my wife, and I have CMTX.   drive about 6,500 km (4,000     figure out where you want to live
                         While I haven’t begun using AFOs  miles) a year.                 for school or work, at least con-
                         yet, my CMT has progressed to       My office is about 8 km (or 5  sider the simple health benefits of
                         the point that I do regularly walk  miles) from home, so it’s a reason-  living in a more accessible and
                         with a cane for stability—like   able bike ride both ways. I’m also  walkable city or town. As a person
                         many of you, I’m a wobbly guy    lucky that my employer values   with CMT, you won’t need to
                         who’s prone to falling.          active transportation and has   “find time” to be active—it’ll just
                             I live just outside of Toronto’s  shower facilities for employees.  happen! h
                         downtown core in a 25-story      This seems to be something that
                         apartment building. I originally  more and more urban-based      Mike is the co-leader of the Toronto CMTA
                                                                                          Branch. He recently completed a 1,000-kilo-
                         moved in because it had both a   employers are providing, and it’s  meter ride for the Vermont Cycle (and
                         swimming pool and a gym, which   definitely appreciated.         Walk!) for CMT.

      22  THE CMTA REPORT  FALL 2020
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