Page 10 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 10


                                               CONNECTING OUR

                                               COMMUNITY ONLINE

                              onnection, connection, con-  meeting, now is the time to pop  Facebook (
                              nection: It’s what life is all  in and give it a try. These are small  CMTAssociation) and Instagram
                              about. As we continue to    group meetings designed to sup-  (
                              socially distance, the      port and educate patients and      While there is no substitute
                         C CMTA’s top priority contin-    families, providing a place for  for in-person connection, the
                         ues to be bringing the CMT       them to chat with other people  Internet gives us the chance to
                         community together via engaging  who share the challenges of CMT.  build togetherness with our fellow
                         virtual programs. We remain      To learn about upcoming virtual  CMTers during these uncertain
                         steadfast in our efforts to plan  branch meetings please go to the  times. I am thankful we have these
                         twice-monthly online events in the  “Events” section of our website  digital options in place and I hope
                         form of Zoom meetings, Facebook  found at   you will consider joining us for
                         Live sessions and webinars. There  involved/events/.             one of our many virtual programs.
                         is literally something for everyone:  To learn more about CMTA   We would love to “see” you!
                         chair dancing, stretching and    virtual programs, please make sure  If you have any questions
                         yoga, managing CMT, camp         to sign up for e-News, which you  please reach out to me via email or
                         songs with Jonah and much more.  can do on the homepage of our   phone: /
                             Many of our amazing branch   website: (look  800.606.2682 ext. 112.
                         leaders around the United States  for the “Subscribe” button at the         —Laurel
                         and Canada are planning virtual  top). You can also learn about vir-      Richardson,
                         branch meetings as well. If you  tual events by following the       CMTA Director of
                         haven’t made it out to a branch  CMTA’s social media accounts on  Community Outreach

                      CMTA branch
                       leaders plan

                          via Zoom

      10  THE CMTA REPORT  SUMMER 2020
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