Page 14 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 14

W H Y   W E   G I V E :

                                                          like the CMTA’s Patients as Part-  became more aware of the work
                                                          ners in Research initiative for the  the CMTA was doing, and she
                                                          link it provides between CMT    and Louis began contributing on
                                                          patients and the researchers trying  an annual basis. In 2013, Pru
                                                          to find a cure for them.        began wearing supramalleolar
                                                             Pru’s CMT journey began rel-  orthotics (SMOs), which sur-
                                                          atively late in life. As a child, she  rounded her ankles and gave her
                                                          was athletic and well-coordinated  much-needed support.  By 2015,
                                                          and the only foreshadowing of   Pru was experiencing enough foot
                                                          what was to come were several   drop and lower leg fatigue that she
                                                          ankle sprains. Other than that, she  moved to custom carbon fiber
                                                          enjoyed all the pleasures of a New  braces, which she wears along with
                                                          England childhood—ice skating   her SMOs.
                                                          in the winter and hiking, tennis    Pru, now 75, and Abby, now
                                                          and soccer the rest of the year.  81,along with Abby’s daughter
                                                             In her early forties, though,  Reeve Washburn, 56, made a fam-
                                                          she developed increasingly pro-  ily pilgrimage to Dr. Shy’s clinic in
                                                          nounced pronation as the muscles  June 2014. Pru, who clearly enjoys
                                                          in her feet weakened. She began  the nitty gritty of medical research,
                                                          wearing custom                            made a “CliffsNotes”
                                                          orthotics, which stood  “We make          edition of CMT basics
                                                          her in good stead for  annual gifts       for her sister and
                                                          many years. After a                       niece. She still has the
                                                          New York neurologist   to the CMTA        paper towel that Dr.
                                                          diagnosed her older      because          Shy used to explain
                                ru and Louis Ryan like to  sister, Abby Wakefield,  we think that   the unfolded protein
                                support organizations that  with CMT, Pru fol-                      response.
                                “move the needle” in the  lowed in her footsteps  all the work          Not long after
                                right direction. They     and was diagnosed at    they do is        that family visit, Pru
                                believe that the CMTA is  the age of 42. She was                    and Louis became
                                one of those organiza-    still relatively symp-  important.”       aware that another
                        P tions. That’s why they are      tomless, but the                          family was making a
                         once again matching another      diagnosis didn’t come as a com-  substantial contribution for
                         CMT1B family’s gift for          plete surprise, given her sister’s  CMT1B research. Inspired by
                         $300,000, following an earlier   diagnosis and the fact that a neu-  their example, the Ryans decided
                         $500,000 match.                  rologist told their mother that she  to match it.
                             “We make annual gifts to the  had some kind of peripheral neu-   Louis said that was a water-
                         CMTA because we think that all   ropathy back in the 1970s. In   shed moment for the couple.
                         the work they do is important,”  2005, at the suggestion of Abby’s  Although they had previously
                         Pru said, adding, “We like it that  neurologist, she and Pru both had  contributed to the CMTA’s
                         the CMTA supports many aspects   genetic testing, which gave them a  annual campaign, they decided to
                         of research and also many aspects  more definitive diagnosis of  make a more significant gift
                         of information and support for   CMT1B with an MPZ variant       because they knew for the first
                         people who have CMT and fami-    H39P.                           time that they could be more
                         lies affected by CMT.”              In 2009, with the weakness in  focused in their giving. While
                             The CMTA has grown by        her lower legs and feet worsening,  they wanted to help everyone who
                         leaps and bounds both in terms of  Pru visited Dr. Michael Shy’s clinic  has CMT, the idea that it could
                         research and patient resources, Pru  at the University of Iowa for the  directly impact Pru’s subtype,
                         said. She and Louis particularly  first time.  Through him, she  CMT1B, was appealing. They

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