Page 18 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 18

Adaptive Training for All Ages

                         BY SHELLY TAYLOR AND PAYTON RULE  2015. Thanks to Payton, the    as Kimi got to know me, she
                                                         branch leader, I started going to  switched the program to match
                         IMPROVED STRENGTH AND           DASA personal training in 2016   my needs. One week I might have
                         STAMINA FOR SHELLY              and I have seen improvement in   a flare-up on one part of my body

                            rowing up, I could not under-  my fitness. Of course, my HNPP  and the next week on a different
                            stand why I was such a       hasn’t gone away, but my strength  part. Kimi and the other DASA
                         Gstumble bum, as people called  and stamina have improved.       trainers were patient and very
                         me. I was never good at sports  Before DASA, I scheduled no      knowledgeable about CMT. They
                         because my ankles sprained so eas-  more than one doctor’s appoint-  really listened to me so they could
                         ily. I was the last one to be picked  ment per week, then had to rest  set up the correct program for the
                         for any team in school PE and   and recuperate the rest of the week  time I was there.
                         running was very hard for me.   because it took so much out of      I have muscles now where I
                         Later, when I got married and had  me. When I had a week without  did not have any before. Yes, I
                         children, I began trying to find the  appointments, I spent it in my  have gained weight but it is mus-
                         cause of my athletic issues, and  pajamas. I still have pajama days,  cle that helps me to do more every
                         after many years I was diagnosed  but not as often.              day—blow drying my hair, brush-
                         with CMT/HNPP. Finally, I had a     My DASA trainer, Kimi        ing my teeth, walking through the
                         name for what was going on.     Kemp, has helped me so much. It  house without tipping over as
                             I first heard Payton Rule talk  was tough to set up a program for  much, doing a little cooking, get-
                         about the Disabled Athlete Sports  me because I am a 67-year-old  ting dressed mostly by myself and
                         Association for adaptive training at  senior and my HNPP was     even occasionally doing some
                         a St. Louis Branch meeting in   progressing faster and farther. But  chores around the house like dust-
                                                                                          ing, vacuuming and sweeping. My
                                                                                          legs are now strong enough that I
                                                                                          can turn over in bed, whereas
                                                                                          before I had to struggle using only
                                                                                          my arms. I am not as fatigued
                                                                                          when l travel. My quality of life
                                                                                          has improved immensely.
                                                                                                           —Shelly Taylor

                                                                                          PAYTON’S POV:
                                                                                          WORKOUTS ENJOYABLE
                                                                                          AND EMPOWERING

                                                                                           have enjoyed playing sports and
                                                                                           staying active my whole life. My
                                                                                         ICMT 2E diagnosis at age 5 and
                                                                                          the resulting balance and strength
                                                                                          challenges did not stop my parents
                                                                                          from signing me up for a whole
                                                                                          host of sports including T-ball,
                                                                                          basketball and tennis. While I
                                                                                          absolutely loved playing these
                                                                                          sports and learned many impor-
                                                                                          tant life lessons, I struggled to play
                                                                                          competitively alongside people
                                                                                          without CMT.
                                                                                             My parents eventually came
                                                                       Shelly Taylor works
                                                                            out at DASA   across an organization called the
                                                                                          Disabled Athlete Sports Associa-

      18  THE CMTA REPORT  SUMMER 2020
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