Page 21 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 21

The Surgical Correction of the CMT Foot:


      PART  3  OF 4:


      BY GLENN B. PFEFFER, MD         There are 33 joints in the foot,  brace, as discussed in the first two
                                      and it is possible to fuse a few of  parts of this series. If you take
           surgical joint fusion, or  them without any significant loss  your clenched fist and put it into
           arthrodesis, is a procedure  of function.                   your pocket for several months,
           that joins the bones of a      The most common reason for   your fingers probably won’t open
           joint together. It is one of  a fusion in a CMT patient, how-  again. The soft tissues contract
      A the oldest procedures in      ever, is not arthritis but deformity  and the joints become fixed. The
      orthopedics and has been used for  correction. When needed, it is an  longer one waits, the more impos-
      arthritis and deformity correction  operation with superb results, but  sible it becomes. Anyone whose  Dr. Pfeffer is an ortho-
      since the 19th century.         severe deformity is a completely  foot is not flat on the ground  pedic foot and ankle
          Today, the most common rea-  preventable problem. If the muscle  when walking needs to have a sur-  surgeon and co-director
      son for a fusion is joint arthritis,  on one side of a joint is weak and  gical correction before it becomes  of the CMTA’s Center
      which occurs when the cartilage  the other is strong, as commonly  fixed and a fusion is the only  of Excellence at Cedars-
      that covers the bones of a joint  happens in CMT, the joint gradu-  option. Big problems start small.   Sinai Medical Center,
                                                                                                       Los Angeles. He is also
      becomes damaged by trauma, dis-  ally becomes deformed and          I recently operated on a 15-  a member of the
      ease or age. Age-related arthritis is  eventually fixed. This does not  year-old boy with CMT who, but  CMTA’s Advisory
      called osteoarthritis. Healthy carti-  happen overnight and it is pre-  for the surgery, would have needed  Board.
      lage is white and glistening and  ventable if caught early enough. A  a triple arthrodesis in a few years.
      allows the bones of a joint to  brace can help if the joints are still  He and his family had been told
      move smoothly. Arthritic cartilage  flexible and can be held in the cor-  for years that nothing could be
      is greyish, thinned and pitted, and  rect physiologic position by the  done for him and that braces were
      interferes with smooth joint    brace. But all too often the foot  his only option. Over time, his
      motion. The joint becomes pro-  deformity progresses despite the                 (continued on page 22)
      gressively stiff, inflamed and
          Surgical fusion of an arthritic
      joint will take away the pain, but
      it will also take away the motion.
      It involves removing the compro-
      mised cartilage and stabilizing the
      remaining bones with metal
      screws, plates or staples. The
      surgery is done on an out-patient
      basis, followed by six weeks in a
      non-weight bearing cast on the
      operative foot and another four
      weeks in a walking cast. Remark-
      ably, during this time the bones
      grow together, fusing the joint. It
      may sound horrible, but it is one
      of the most common and best
      pain-relieving surgical procedures
      performed on the foot and ankle.  Figure 1: A triple arthrodesis fuses three major joints in the hind foot.

                                                                                          SUMMER 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   21
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