Page 25 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 25

CMTA           attendance. Laurel Richardson gave atten-  hopes to keep growing and adding members
                                      dees an insight into the CMTA’s STAR
                                                                       from all over Oklahoma.
                                      research program, history and community
                  BRANCH              programs. She also talked about the impor-  BUCKS COUNTY, PA
                                      tance of being seen at a Center of Excellence,
                                                                       Eleven members welcomed CMTA Advisory
                                                                       Board Member David Misener to the Bucks
                                      like the clinic at the University of Minnesota
                                      led by neurologist Dr. David Walk. Laurel
                                                                       County Branch’s Zoom meeting May 16.
       NEWS                           also talked about the CMTA’s Patients as  David is a board-certified prosthetist and
                                                                       orthotist who has practiced in Albany, New
                                      Partners in Research initiative, a critical way
                                      for patients to get involved in the research
                                                                       York, for more than 20 years. Both he and
                                      h                                his son have CMT 1B, so he truly under-
                                                                       stands the unique challenges faced by others
                                      SYRACUSE, NY                     who have the disease. David shared various
      LOS ANGELES                     The seven people who attended the Syracuse  options for orthotics and bracing to assist
      A dozen people welcomed guest   Branch’s first meeting on Zoom were pleas-  with challenges such as poor alignment, foot
      speakers Alison Sterite, DPT, and personal  antly surprised at how easy it was. They  drop, ankle instability and propulsion.
      trainer Tara Lyn Emerson to the Los Angeles  discussed the importance of staying positive,  David’s wealth of knowledge, along with his
      Branch’s virtual meeting on May 30. Sterite  walking aids and footwear. During the  personal and professional experiences, left
      presented on different types of physical ther-  footwear discussion, a former mail carrier  members feeling understood and optimistic
      apy, the goals behind each and how to  gave his suggestions for what brand to wear  about finding solutions to improve their sta-
      differentiate between normal soreness from  and where to shop for them. Members also  bility and mobility. Given concerns regarding
      exercise and pain caused by overdoing it.  discussed the importance of maintaining a  COVID-19, the members agreed to postpone
      She shared some stretches that are generally  positive outlook through the pandemic,  their annual Buffet Dinner & Raffle
      helpful for CMT patients. Emerson talked  which is made easier by knowing “We are  fundraiser, but they will hold an outdoor
      about her own CMT journey and how she  not alone.”               potluck picnic this summer.
      focuses on exercises she is able to do.  h                       h
      Branch member Julie Lightner shared her  CLEVELAND, OH           CHESTER COUNTY PA
      experiences volunteering with the annual  Several members of the Cleveland Branch  Sixteen people gathered via Zoom for the
      Angel City Games, which include adaptive  attended their first virtual meeting May 21.  Chester County Branch meeting on May 3.
      sports workshops. The 2020 Angel City  Guest speaker Laurel Richardson shared  Guest speaker Bernadette Scarduzio shared
      Games will be virtual and branch members  information about the STAR research pro-  her CMT journey and some of the work she’s
      are invited to sign up—it’s free! Lastly,  gram, education and events in the community,  done as a CMT advocate, including a docu-
      branch member Lexi Dineen announced that  and also provided detailed resources about  mentary about her life with CMT that is free
      she has started a blog about her journey with  how community members can get involved  on Amazon Prime. She talked about her work
      CMT at     and communicate with the CMTA.   making New Jersey beaches accessible with
      h                               h                                mats that go over the dune to the shoreline.
      CENTRAL FLORIDA                 TULSA, OK                        She shared her quarantine exercise routine
      Five members of the Central Florida Branch  The first Tulsa Branch Zoom meeting went  and gave tips about getting insurance to pay
      welcomed guest speaker Laurel Richardson  well, with several new members in addition  for physical therapy. Members also dis-
      to their first virtual branch meeting on May  to those who came to the inaugural meeting  cussed pain management adaptive devices
      30. Laurel, who is the CMTA’s director of  in 2019. Several members are from Okla-  and one member shared a spreadsheet of
      community outreach, talked about moving  homa City and the branch has 36 Facebook  helpful tools. The tentative date for the
      education and meetings online and steps the  friends. Some members expressed happi-  branch’s Walk 4 CMT is September 9,
      CMTA is taking to stay connected with the  ness at being able to meet on Zoom, not  depending on what happens with social dis-
      community during this time.     only because of COVID-19, but also because  tancing rules in the upcoming months. The
      h                               traveling is difficult for many. The group  next meeting will take place in late August.
      NAPLES, FL
      Four members of the Naples Branch held
      their first virtual meeting on Zoom recently,
      chatting about how everyone is doing and
      feeling during the pandemic. They also talked  LEMONAID FOR CMT
      about the challenges of CMT. They all enjoyed
      the virtual format and will use it again.  anner, Reagan and Sloane Fearson were
      TAMPA BAY AREA, FL                  Tswimming at their local pool in Fenwick Island,
      Two guest speakers addressed the Tampa Bay  Delaware, when an announcement came over the
      Branch’s virtual meeting on June 6. Dr.  loudspeaker: Neighbor Steve O’Donnell was raising
      Michelle Arnold spoke about CMT and hearing
      loss, and Laura Russell provided information  money for a rare disease called CMT. They’d never
      regarding social work support for Dr. Nivedita  heard of it, but when they heard that a neighbor
      Jerath’s neuromuscular clinic at AdventHealth  needed help, they immediately decided to put up a
      Orlando. More than a dozen regulars tuned in
      via Zoom. The next meeting will be held online  lemonade stand to raise money for CMT research.
      on September 12 and the Tampa Bay Walk  It was all their idea and no one pushed them—not
      will be held on November 14.
      h                                   their parents and not Steve. The youngsters’ big
      GREATER MINNEAPOLIS, MN             hearts and hard work raised $45 for CMT research  Entrepreneurs Tanner, 11; Reagan, 9
      The Greater Minneapolis Branch held its first  and the CMTA is beyond grateful.   and Sloane, 5
      Zoom meeting on June 11 with six people in

      To learn about upcoming virtual branch meetings please go to the “Events” section
      of our website found at

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