Page 22 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 22

JOINT FUSION                     crooked foot while preserving   don transfers. Since only one joint
                         (continued from page 21)         motion. While a triple arthrodesis  is fused, more motion is preserved
                         foot became more deformed and    can be transformative, the more  than would be with a triple
                         almost fixed in its crooked, painful  motion one can keep the better.  arthrodesis. The most common
                         position. Fortunately, he came just  Anyone told they need a triple  problem of any fusion surgery is
                         in time for his deformity to be  arthrodesis should first consider a  that the bones don’t fuse and a
                         corrected without a fusion. While  second opinion with an orthope-  non-union develops. Fortunately,
                         a fusion, if needed, would have  dic foot and ankle surgeon to see  that is very rare.
                         straightened out his crooked foot,  if it can be avoided.           Fusions of joints other than
                         the preservation of motion is       Joint instability, rather than  those discussed above are rarely
                         preferable, especially in someone  deformity, is probably the most  needed in CMT patients. A fusion
                         with so much life ahead.         common reason for a fusion in my  of the ankle should rarely be done,
                             If a fixed deformity has devel-  practice. When the muscles that  especially not for a drop-foot.
                         oped, patients can still be helped  control a joint are paralyzed, the  Modern ground-reaction energy-
                         with a triple arthrodesis, a proce-  joint loses function and becomes  storing braces only work when the
                         dure in which the three major    unstable. This can happen with  ankle moves. An ankle fusion
                         joints in the hind foot—the      any joint, but it is particularly  takes away the chance of ever
                         subtalar, talonavicular and      problematic when the paralysis in  using one of these braces. Only in
                         calcaneocuboid joints—are fused  a CMT patient involves both per-  rare cases of extreme deformity or
                         (figure 1) in a corrected position so  oneal muscles. The peroneals are  arthritis should an ankle fusion be
                         the foot is flat on the ground. It’s  the muscles and tendons on the  considered. Most ankle deformity
                         not ideal, but it’s much better than  outside of the ankle that keep it  can be corrected without a fusion
                         having a rigid foot that doesn’t lie  stable and prevent it from collaps-  and patients with CMT often tol-
                         flat and causes pain with every  ing inward with each step.      erate ankle arthritis quite well
                         step. Ankle motion is preserved     Typically, the peroneus brevis  because of the decreased feeling
                         and the patient can walk with no  (PB) is weak, while the peroneus  that results from the neuropathy.
                         obvious limp from the fusion.    longus (PL) remains strong. In     In summary, a fusion of one
                                                                     that case, a tendon  or more of the joints in the hind
                                                                     transfer of the PL to  foot can correct the severe defor-
                                                                     the PB provides suf-  mity or paralysis that causes joint
                                                                     ficient lateral      instability. If the surgery is done
                                                                     strength and stability  well, the patient will do well and
                                                                     (see part 2). When   may be able to get out of a brace
                                                                     both muscles are     completely. An ankle fusion for a
                                                                     paralyzed or very    drop-foot, however, should usually
                                                                     weak, however, a     be avoided. In that case, a ground
                                                                     subtalar fusion may  reaction brace will provide better
                                                                     be the best option.  function. h
                                                                     Only one joint is    In the final part of our four-part
                                                                     fused—the one        series, we will discuss the surgical
                                                                     comprising the talus  correction of crooked toes.
                                                                     and calcaneus. One
      Figure 2: A subtalar fusion fuses only one joint.              or two screws are
                                                                     used to stabilize the  On a personal note, I want
                                                                                            to thank all of my patients.
                             The good news is that a triple  fusion (figure 2). This provides  I dislocated my ankle on Easter,
                         arthrodesis is rarely needed any-  complete stability to the hind foot  broke three bones, and required
                         more, especially in people under  and prevents the foot from con-  surgery. In my darkest hours,
                                                                                            your examples of bravery and
                         30. It seems like the word that  stantly twisting inward while
                                                                                            perseverance gave me strength.
                         early intervention can prevent   walking. Some of my happiest      I’m still improving but back to
                         more serious problems is getting  patients have had a subtalar     work with three CMT surgeries
                                                                                            this week. Stay safe out there.
                         out. The procedures discussed in  fusion, especially when combined
                         parts 1 and 2 in the previous two  with soft tissue releases and ten-
                         CMTA Reports will balance a
                                                                     Follow Dr. Pfeffer on Instagram at @Charcotmarietoothsurgery.

      22  THE CMTA REPORT  SUMMER 2020
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