Page 26 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 26

CMT: Let It Empower You

                         BY RILEY WILLIAMS

                             undraising has always                                               initially took me back
                             intimidated me: I was                                               to the hopeless place I
                             nervous and worried                                                 thought I had left years
                             I wouldn’t be success-                                              ago. The more I thought
                        Fful and wouldn’t                                                        about it, though, the
                         know how to answer the                                                  more it brought to mind
                         questions “What is this                                                 the phrase, “Let it
                         fundraiser for?” or “What                                               empower you.” It’s a
                         is CMT?” Before I got                                                   simple phrase, but it
                         involved with the CMTA,                                                 embodies my entire
                         I struggled to answer. Once                                             battle with CMT. This
                                                                                 Erin Black (L) and
                         I got active, though, these                            Riley Williams (R)]  disease is what you make
                         questions began to seem                                                 of it:  If you choose to
                         exciting.                                                               let it take your joy, it
                             By the time I was diagnosed  ing something destructive into  will, but it can also become your
                         with CMT at 13, I was desperate  something that gave me purpose.  source of joy. It can become your
                         for answers and often felt hopeless.  Since then, Camp Footprint has  purpose.
                         That all changed after my parents  become my heaven on earth. It’s  Shortly after this, I began
                         talked me into going to Camp     where I met my best friends, who  thinking of ways to hit my
                         Footprint for the first time in  also happen to be fighting this dis-  fundraising goal. Some of my
                         2017. There I conquered my fears,  ease. I have become a member of  friends have created shirts to raise
                         broke out of my shell and, for the  the CMTA Youth Council, and I  money for the CMTA, and I
                         first time in my life, felt like a  have shared about my CMT.    decided to do the same. I went
                         “normal” kid. It was the best feel-  As a member of the CMTA     online, wrote out my story and
                         ing in the entire world. The more  Youth Council, one of my respon-  designed my shirts. Before I knew
                         involved I got with the CMTA,    sibilities is to fundraise. Each of  it, people were actually buying
                         the more my passion grew. I saw  us is tasked with raising $1,000  them. The support I received was
                         what could happen by transform-  annually. Hearing about this goal  overwhelming. Within a month, I
                                                                                          had hit my fundraising goal and
                                                                                          the number of new people who
                                                                                          had learned about CMT truly
                                                                                          gave me chills. My friends and
                                                                                          family were soon wearing the
                                                                                          shirt, which both raised awareness
                                                                                          and told a story.
                                                                                             My fundraiser showed me
                                                                                          how many people truly care and
                                                                                          want to learn more about this
                                                                                          disease. It showed me how much
                                                                                          you can accomplish when you
                                                                                          stop letting fear get in your way.
                                                                                          The question that once seemed so
                                                                                          daunting now gives me so much
                                                                                          joy to answer. So now when you
                                                                                          ask me, “What is CMT?” my
                                                                                          answer is, “It is something that
                                                                                          empowers me.” h

                                                                                          Riley, 17, is a rising senior in Baton Rouge,

      26  THE CMTA REPORT  SUMMER 2020
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