Page 19 - 2020 Summer CMTA Report
P. 19

Payton Rule (right)
         with DASA trainer
         Kimi Kemp

      tion (DASA) that offers adaptive  I began falling less and had   soon. Exercise has been the best
      recreational and competitive sports  more energy. I have had CMT  treatment I have received for my
      for kids and adults with physical  symptoms my whole life, but at  CMT. I am so thankful for the
      disabilities. My mom surprised me  the age of 17, I was able to func-  support and empowerment I have
      one day by signing me up for their  tion better than I ever had.  received from DASA and Kimi
      adaptive workout program.           The program has benefited    and am excited to see what the
          I am not going to lie: When   more than just my body. I find my  future holds. h
      I first heard I had been signed up  workouts both enjoyable and
                                                                       Shelly, 67, recently moved to Norfolk, Vir-
      for an adaptive program, I was not  empowering. Kimi is also my  ginia, where she plans to continue working
      excited. I pictured myself in a  trainer and she pushes me just as  out. Payton, now 21, is a rising junior at
      room lifting                              hard as any personal   Washington University in St. Louis, where
      extremely light        When I first       trainer pushes any     she is pre-OT and studying philosophy,
                                                                       neuroscience and psychology.
      weights and doing   heard I had been      able-bodied client. She
      careful, light exercise  signed up for    is also always willing to
      that would not chal-                      try and help me
      lenge or excite me at  an adaptive        achieve any goal I set,      DASA is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit specializing in
      all. In addition, I  program, I was       no matter how crazy it   therapeutic sport and fitness opportunities.
      had always heard       not excited.       may seem. Right          Trainees are encouraged to seek their highest level
      that CMTers cannot                        before I started train-  of independence and become involved to the
      gain much muscle, so as far as I  ing with Kimi, I had set a goal for  fullest extent with their non-disabled peers and
      was concerned, this would be bor-  myself to complete a half-      their community as a whole. With programs for
      ing and pointless.              marathon. This was a goal that     both children and adults, DASA seeks to promote
          I could not have been more  many questioned and perhaps        physical fitness, self-confidence, family values, and
      wrong. I left my first workout   doubted I would reach. However,    a positive, team-building environment designed to
      sweating and out of breath, and I  Kimi’s response was an immediate  encourage personal growth throughout all aspects
      was sore for days. But I kept going  “Awesome! Let’s do it. I’ll train  of life. To learn more about DASA, go to
      back week after week and eventu-  you.” With Kimi’s help, I was able
      ally something crazy happened:   to complete a half-marathon a lit-    DASA is located in St. Peters, Missouri.
      I started to feel stronger. Activities  tle over a year later.     For a list of similar organizations in other parts of
      that had been difficult—like get-   I have been training one-on-   the country, go to
      ting off the floor and navigating  one with Kimi for four years now  adaptive-sport-organizations/.
      stairs—became significantly easier.  and don’t plan to stop any time

                                                                                          SUMMER 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   19
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