Page 11 - 2020 Winter CMTA Report
P. 11
We would love to work with and no engagement of the toes.
the CMTA to continue and The patient was healing from an
expand this program in the future! ulcer at the head of the first
As a side note, Sarah also advises metatarsal at the time of this analy-
that the ulceration on the bottom sis and the high pressure observed
of her right foot healed after sev- in this area was likely the cause.
eral weeks of wearing the Stand We also evaluated plantar
Strong adhesive arch support to pressure with Mrs. Kesty walking
relieve pressure under the foot. barefoot while wearing the
—Greg Stilwell Hozhoni Balance Rail, which is an
orthotic device that adheres to the
GAIT ANALYSIS bottom of the foot and hence can
REVEALS ISSUES, be worn both while barefoot and
wearing shoes. With use of the
ANSWERS Hozhoni Balance Rail, Mrs. Kesty
exhibited substantially reduced
plantar pressure analysis was plantar pressure under the first
conducted with Mrs. Sarah metatarsal head and decreased
A Kesty at the Durango Perfor- pressure along the lateral column
mance Center located at Fort of the right foot. This indicated
Lewis College. The pressure analy- that the Hozhoni Balance Rail was
sis showed that when walking successful at offloading the first
barefoot Mrs. Kesty’s left foot metatarsal head.
exhibited a good distribution of —Missy Thompson, PhD
pressure between the forefoot and
rear foot, but that there was little ABOUT THE CONTRIBUTORS: Testing and results
engagement of the toes. The right CMTA Advisory Board member Sarah Kesty is an educator, speaker and author who helps of gait analysis
families navigate school support systems. As detailed in the Fall 2019 issue of The CMTA
foot exhibited high rear foot pres- Report, she received a grant from the Challenged Athletes Foundation to purchase a ski-bike.
sure that extended along the lateral Greg Stilwell, DPM, is a board certified podiatrist diagnosed with CMT1A. An inventor
column of the right foot, very high and a patent holder of the Hozhoni Balance Rail , he lectures internationally on foot and
ankle topics, including CMT, and is a member of the CMTA Advisory Board.
pressures on the right first Missy Thompson is an assistant professor in the Health Sciences Department at Fort Lewis
metatarsal head (ball of the foot) College in Durango.