Page 13 - 2020 Winter CMTA Report
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CMT Awareness Month was an exciting and mem-
orable celebration of community in 2019, as well as a
successful educational event that made a big impact on
the CMTA’s social networks and beyond.
The 2019 theme was “See CMT!” illustrated with a
Parkland, FL pair of orange CMTA glasses symbolizing that many of
Walk 4 CMT
the symptoms and challenges that come with having
CMT are invisible from the outside.
T H E C M TA T H A N K S A L L The glasses were featured in the Facebook frame
O F O U R T R U LY A M A Z I N G supporters used to deck out their profile pictures and get
WA L K 4 C M T L E A D E R S ! in the Awareness Month spirit. During the month, the
CMTA issued weekly challenges, including uploading the
ARIZONA...........................Tucson: Kristen Oaxaca Facebook frame, sharing a “What is CMT?” infographic,
CALIFORNIA.......................Los Angeles: Alani Price participating in a Walk 4 CMT and supporting CMT
Palo Alto: Ori Bash & Tau O’Sullivan
San Diego: Kendall Trout research. Videos accompanying the challenges starred
COLORADO .......................Denver: Carol Ris community members, and the CMTA website featured
CONNECTICUT ..................Hamden: Lynne Krupa two interviews with community members who are
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ......Washington: Steve Weiss actively raising aware-
FLORIDA ............................Miami: Mae Greenberg ness: Jess Diamond
Parkland: Lara Rustici shared her experience
Tampa: Sarah Gentry
GEORGIA...........................Atlanta: Jeannie Zibrida as a walk leader and
ILLINOIS.............................Chicago: Jay Pate Dr. Kleopas Kleopa
MAINE...............................Peaks Island: Mary Louie revealed what Aware-
MARYLAND........................Oxford: Steve O’Donnell ness Month is like for
MASSACHUSETTS ...............Boston: Jill Ricci a CMTA researcher.
MINNESOTA.......................Aitkin: Alissa Virnig Community
Crosslake: Jo Smith members participated
NEW JERSEY ......................Morristown: Mark Willis in all of the challenges and made a huge wave on social
NEW YORK........................Long Island: Jessica Aviles
Syracuse: Mike Casey media. On Facebook alone, CMT Awareness Month
OHIO.................................Cincinnati: Jill Stuhlmueller posts received 37,686 hits and 3,448 shares. On average,
Columbus: Jessica Diamond each Awareness Month Facebook post of 2019 reached
PENNSYLVANIA..................Pittsburgh: Debbie Czarnecki 9,123 people. The “What is CMT?” infographic posted
West Chester: Kim Magee & Ashley Trout on the CMTA Facebook page was shared 2,723 times!
SOUTH CAROLINA..............Greenville: Amy Greene Community members also started the “CMT Lego
TEXAS................................Dallas/Ft. Worth: Thomas Roderiguz
Houston: Kristin Leard & Benjy Hershorn Challenge.” Like the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, the
VERMONT..........................Charlotte: Chris & Elizabeth Ouellette CMT Lego Challenge involved nominating friends to
WASHINGTON ...................Seattle: Emily Osborne walk across a floor covered with Lego pieces, simulating
WISCONSIN.......................Milwaukee: Lois Hawkins the neuropathic pain and balance difficulties that people
ONTARIO, CANADA ...........Fergus: Kelly Hall with CMT experience. h