Page 18 - 2020 Winter CMTA Report
P. 18

Youth of Tomorrow Shine

                         at 10th Annual STAR Gala

                         BY YVETTE GREEVES               exceptionally well-spoken and       The entire evening was filled
                                                         mature-beyond-their-years youth  with laughter and tears, catching
                              he CMTA honored the        explained what a treatment for   up with old CMTA friends and
                              “Youth of Tomorrow” at the  CMT would mean to each of       meeting new ones, hearing about
                              10th Annual STAR Gala in   them.                            research updates, and most im -
                              New York on October 29,        The five honorees—Vittorio   portantly, shopping to aid the
                         T 2019. Hosted by Phyllis       Ricci, 21; Krystyn Finelli, 19;  CMTA’s fundraising efforts.
                         Sanders and Alan and Ruth       Evan Zeltsar, 14; James Mor-     Dr. Steven Scherer delivered the
                         Korowitz at the Essex House     gan,10, and my 10-year-old       keynote address with an update
                         hotel, the evening officially began  daughter Ava—shared their expe-  on the promise of gene therapy
                         with a VIP reception where five  riences living with CMT. Vittorio  treatments, particularly for CMT
                                                                     expressed gratitude  Type 2. He also emphasized how
                                                                     that he’s had the    important the introduction of
                                                                     CMTA as a con-       biomarkers will be in speeding the
                                                                     stant resource       pace of discovery and treatments,
                                                                     throughout his jour-  as they will allow researchers to
                                                                     ney while Krystin    know whether certain treatments
                                                                     talked about writing  are feasible before launching a
                                                                     poetry both as ther-  full study.
                                                                     apy and a way for       The event raised more than
                                                                     others to under-     $235,000 for STAR research,
                                                                     stand her struggle in  much of it from a silent auction
                                                                     a very personal way.  that included jewelry, sporting
                                                                         Many of the      memorabilia, art, travel, sporting
                                                                     honorees mentioned   events and concerts. Even though
                                                                     the transformative   Ava loved the idea of a ticket and
                                                                     power of Camp        backstage pass to a Jonas Brothers
                                                                     Footprint. Ava       concert, we agreed that our
                                                                     spoke about the      favorite auction item was the
                                                                     immediate sense of   opportunity to sponsor a child
                                                                     belonging she and    to attend Camp Footprint.
                                                                     her fellow campers      It was the first time our family
      Drs. John Svaren and
      Steve Scherer bookend-                             experienced. She didn’t feel “differ-  had the pleasure of attending a
      ing honorees Evan                                  ent,” as she sometimes does at   CMTA Gala, and we were very
      Zeltsar and Vittorio                               school or when playing with      impressed, not only by the efforts
      Ricci (rear) and Ava
      Greeves and James                                  neighborhood kids. She didn’t    of the sponsors and the CMTA
      Morgan (front)                                     have to explain to anyone what   but also by the inspiring words of
                                                         this strange-sounding disease    our youth. They remind us time
                                                         means and why she can’t run and  and again that we are family and
                                                         jump like they can. Her fellow   that we are all in this journey
                                                         campers knew her before they     together. On behalf of all CMT
                                                         even met and she now counts      parents, we thank the CMTA for
                                                         every one of them as family. The  continuing to support and con-
                                                         reception was a truly heartwarm-  nect the children through Camp
                         Krystin Finelli, also honored at the  ing event, and each of the  Footprint and the launch of the
                         event, spoke about writing poetry   honorees was presented with a Star  new CMTA youth programs. By
                         as therapy. Her poem ”So What?”  Naming Certificate to represent  giving them a voice, we empower
                         appeared in the Winter 2018/19
                         issue of The CMTA Report.       their bright futures.            them to lead us into the future. h

      18  THE CMTA REPORT  WINTER 2020
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