Page 22 - 2020 Winter CMTA Report
P. 22

                                                                                          (continued from page 20)
                          5          BRANCHES ADDED TO THE                                Volunteers and supporters of this active

                                                                                          group raised close to $22,000 for STAR
                                     CMTA FAMILY TREE IN 2019
                                                                                          research. After a delicious buffet, the group
                                                                                          held a 40/20/20/20 raffle, and two out of
                                                                                          three winners donated their winnings back
                              he CMTA added five new branches and seven new branch leaders  to the CMTA. Funds also came from
                              and co-leaders in 2019. The branches—volunteer-driven support
                           Tand education groups—are a vital component of the CMTA’s
                           education and awareness mission. Guest speakers provide education
                           about the disease and best practices for therapeutic intervention to
                           help manage disease symptoms.
                               The new branches and leaders are:
                             •  JACKSONVILLE, FL: Tim Nightingale and Stephanie Burkhalter
                             •  NEWBURY, NH: Jacinta Gantz
                             •  SYRACUSE, NY: Mike Casey                                   Westchester
                             •  SOUTHWESTERN VIRGINIA: Karen Brown
                             •  TULSA, OK: Lonna Henry and Natasha Morgan
                                                                                          donated gift cards from various vendors
                               This amazing group of new branch leaders hit the ground
                                                                                          and restaurants and a silent auction that
                           running by building their branches, planning fun and informative  included a pre-owned mink coat. The after-
                           meetings and taking time to support the CMT community in their  noon also included a “Big Hat Contest”
                                                                                          with the winner receiving a donated gift
                           areas.                                                         card.
                               Two of the new branch leaders—Tim in Florida and Jacinta     On November 9, 2019, CMTA Board
                           in New Hampshire—expressed surprise at the number of people    Member Elizabeth Ouellette spoke to the
                                                                                          Westchester group via Skype. She stressed
                           (aka potential members) in their vicinity who have CMT. According  the benefits of keeping active and sug-
                           to Tim, they share a thirst for knowledge and information about the  gested that members check out board
                           disease. Jacinta said her peak experience since taking on the new role  member Steve O’Donnell’s new exercise
                                                                                          video series on the CMTA website. She
                           has been meeting so many others with CMT who also felt alone and  also gave a STAR research update.
                           were excited to meet others just like themselves.              h
                               Mike from Syracuse, who held both his first meeting and his  WILMINGTON, NC
                                                                                          The Wilmington Branch welcomed foot and
                           first fundraiser in 2019, said he was most surprised by the turnout  ankle surgeon Dr. Tyler Gonzalez to its
                           for his branch’s walk, which raised almost $4,000 and made him feel  meeting on November 9, 2019. Dr. Gonza-
                                                                                          lez, from the University of South Carolina,
                           that “We are NOT alone.” One of those people was a 6-year old  specializes in CMT. He shared information
                           with purple braces who had never seen another human being      about therapeutic interventions that can
                           wearing AFOs before Mike.                                      obviate the need for surgery. He also dis-
                                                                                          cussed options for CMT patients when
                               Karen from Southwestern Virginia said that while she was ner-  surgery becomes necessary. Twenty people
                           vous about leading a new branch all by herself and imagined she’d   attended and after the presentation Dr. Gon-
                                                                                          zalez spent time answering questions and
                           be begging people to help her, the complete opposite was true, a
                                                                                          talking with them one-on-one.
                           “welcome and wonderful surprise.” Out of a total of three CMTers  h
                           at her first two meetings, two were “all-in” with helping grow   CLEVELAND, OH
                                                                                          Nine Cleveland Branch members came out
                           the branch and planning a fundraising event. “I did            on September 26, 2019, for the first
                           not anticipate such willing help and great ideas right         branch meeting under the new leadership
                           away and from such small numbers, but my                       of Shelly McMahon. After Shelly thanked
                                                                                          Heather Hawk Frank for her years of lead-
                           people are as excited as I am to have a regional               ership, she laid out meeting dates for 2020
                           presence, and I have a real team already,” she says.           and members discussed prospective guest
                                                                                          speakers and fundraising ideas and got
                           SEARCH OVER 70+ BRANCH LOCATIONS                               acquainted.
                           NATIONWIDE TO FIND ONE NEAR YOU:                               h
                                                      TULSA, OK
                                                                                          The newly formed Tulsa branch had a great
                           If you don’t find one, consider starting one!                  first meeting in 2019. Branch Leaders
                           For more information, contact CMTA Director                    Lonna Henry and Natasha Morgan wel-
                                                                                          comed a couple of families and shared
                           of Community Outreach Laurel Richardson                        information about the CMTA and what’s
                           at                                         going on in research and in the commu-
                                                                                          nity. The branch is looking forward to
                                                                                          meeting regularly and growing.
      22  THE CMTA REPORT  WINTER 2020
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