Page 17 - 2020 Winter CMTA Report
P. 17

From CMT Denier to Defier in

      One Patient/Family Conference


              y relationship with     sure what I was getting myself
              CMT has always been     into, so I went super incognito!
              really complicated. My      The conference changed my
              symptoms started when   world. I learned so much about
      M I was 6 and I developed       CMT and found my amazing net-
      foot drop. My mom had foot drop  work of doctors, who have worked
      and muscle weakness so we always  really hard to make my day-to-day
      thought this could be a possibility  life easier. I also met CMTA
      for me, but we never                       Development Direc-
      talked about it and I  “If anyone had      tor Jeana Sweeney,
      never really knew                          who really inspired
      what was wrong.     told me a year ago     me with her amazing
      When people asked I    that I’d be out     style, positive outlook  JULIE, now 30, lives, works
      always said, “It’s just  and talking about  and bubbly personal-  and spreads the word
      this weird disease that  my disability     ity. Jeana broke down  about CMT in Seattle.
      makes my muscles                           a lot of my stereo-
      suck.” I kept all my  I wouldn’t have      types about what      embarrassed to admit that I was
      feelings buried and     believed it.”      people with disabili-  once one of those people whose
      pretended like it did-                     ties are like.        minds I’m now working so hard
      n’t exist. Although I had this      This mindset had prevented   to change.
      “thing” I remained very active.  me from accepting my CMT. I        If anyone had told me a year
          When I was 27, I was forced  thought of myself as a fitness girl  ago that I’d be out and talking
      to confront my condition after  who worked in fashion—I have a   about my disability I wouldn’t
      back-to-back injuries caused by my  fashion degree and currently work  have believed it. But talking about
      foot drop. I decided it was time to  on the women’s design team at  its ups and downs has been so lib-
      find out what was going on and  Zumiez, and I’ve always been     erating. It has opened up a whole
      learned I had CMT! My doctor    really active with diving and com-  new world to me. I have a fitness
      passed along the info for the   petitive gymnastics. In my mind, I  channel on YouTube where I
      CMTA Patient/Family Conference  wasn’t disabled because a disabled  showcase fitness possibilities for
      in Seattle in October 2018 and I  person wouldn’t do these things.  CMTers in my “One Class a
      decided to attend. I wasn’t quite  What ignorant thoughts! I’m so  Week Challenge.” Thus far I’ve
                                                                       done boxing, aerial yoga, Zumba,
                                                                       cycling and pole dancing. I hope
                                                                       to inspire other people to be more
                                                                       open about their CMT and help
                                                                       to break down the negative stereo-
                                                                       types that are associated with it.
                                                                       I’ve learned that by focusing on
                                                                       what I have instead of what I don’t
                                                                       have, I can be a fitness girl with
                                                                       CMT who works in fashion.
                                                                          Please check out my website
                                                                       and start defying stereotypes with
                                                                       me at Stay fit
                                                                       with me on YouTube by subscrib-
                                                                       ing to my channel: CMTdefy.
                                                                       Follow me on Instagram
                                                                       @CMTdefy. h

                                                                                           WINTER 2020 THE CMTA REPORT   17
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