Page 20 - 2020 Winter CMTA Report
P. 20

CMTA           2019. He explained how braces help people  New Hampshire
                                                          walk and shared information about Allard’s
                                                          dynamic carbon-fiber braces. The braces got
                                     BRANCH               the thumbs up from all the members who
                                                          tried them.
                                                          SPRINGFIELD, MO
                          NEWS                            Nine people attended the Springfield branch
                                                          meeting on September 21, 2019. They
                                                          reviewed the slides (and received copies of
                                                          the presentations) from the St. Louis CMTA
                                                          Patient/Family Conference. Members dis-
                                                          cussed challenges in functioning, their
                         CONNECTICUT BRANCHES             doctors and the day-to-day issues of living
                         The Hartford and Southern Connecticut
                         Branches held a joint meeting on October 24,  with CMT. Group members decided to hold a  patients. One of Ken’s recommended bracing
                                                          Walk 4 CMT on September 19, 2020.
                         2019, at the Hospital for Special Care, a CMT  H                 options was the Dynamic Carbon Ground
                         Center of Excellence. Dr. Kevin Felice and his                   Reaction AFO, and a few members were so
                         team gave the 35 attendees a tour of the neu-  LAS VEGAS, NV     impressed with the brace that they made fol-
                         romuscular clinic at the Hospital for Special  Nineteen people attended the Las Vegas  low-up appointments with Ken to learn more.
                         Care and facilitated a discussion about CMT  Branch meeting on October 19, 2019.  H
                                                          Branch Leader Martha Boadt shared high-  NEW MEXICO
                                                          lights and presentations from the CMTA  Three new members came to the New Mex-
                                                          Patient/Family Conference in St. Louis.   ico branch meeting on November 2, 2019,
                                                          The group also talked about easy ways to  for a total of 18 attendees. Two representa-
                                                          fundraise, such as writing family and friends  tives from GeneDX talked about genetic
                                                          asking them to contribute to STAR research.  testing for CMT and the practical aspects of
                          Connecticut                     Martha raised $873 simply by emailing a  getting testing done, such as getting a
                                                          fundraising letter to friends and family.  request “through the system” and who can
                         and what’s happening in research. Kudos to  H                    order it.
                         branch leaders Roy Behlke (Hartford, CT/  NEWBURY, NH            H
                         Naples, FL) and Lynne Krupa (Southern   The Newbury Branch welcomed 12 attendees  WESTCHESTER, NY
                         Connecticut) for helping plan the meeting.  to its meeting on November 9, 2019, to hear  Eighty-three people came out for the
                         H                                orthotist and CMTA Advisory Board Member  Westchester Branch’s 7th annual luncheon at
                         CHICAGO, IL                      Ken Cornell talk about the benefits of thera-  the Tarrytown Hilton on September 14, 2019.
                         Jim King of Allard USA spoke to nine mem-  peutic interventions such as AFOs, which
                         bers of the Chicago branch on August 31,  can improve gait and balance issues for CMT  (continued on page 22)

                                                          Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (Los Angeles)...................................Drs. Robert Baloh and Richard Lewis
                                                          Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (Philadelphia)..........................Dr. Sabrina Yum                               Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh)*.............................Dr. Hodas Abdel-Hamid
                                                          Connecticut Children’s Medical Center (Farmington).....................Dr. Gyula Acsadi
                                                          Hospital for Special Care* (New Britain, CT).................................Dr. Kevin J. Felice
        CMTA CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE are patient-centric, multidisciplinary CMT clinics
                                                          Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore)...........................................Dr. Thomas Lloyd
        where children, adults and families affected by CMT can be assured of receiving
                                                          Kane Hall Barry Neurology (Dallas/Fort Worth)* ...........................Dr. Sharique Ansari
        comprehensive care by a team of CMT experts. The Centers roughly correspond to the
                                                          Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford (Palo Alto)............Drs. John Day and Ana Tesi Rocha
        21 international sites that make up the NIH Inherited Neuropathies Consortium (INC)—  Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston).....................................Dr. Reza Seyedsadjadi
        a group of academic medical centers, patient support organizations and clinical  Nationwide Children's Hospital (Columbus)*..........................................Dr. Zarife Sahenk
        research resources sponsored in part by the CMTA. The centers will become even more  Nemours Children’s Hospital (Orlando).........................................Dr. Richard Finkel
        important as the CMTA begins clinical trials, which will depend on how much we know  Northwestern Memorial Hospital (Chicago)*.................................Dr. Daniela Maria Menichella
        about the “natural history” of CMT—how different types of CMT progress over time and  Ohio State University (Columbus) .................................................Dr. Amro Stino
                                                          Oregon Health & Science University (Portland)*...........................Dr. Chafic Karam
        whether novel medications are slowing the course of the disease. Much of that
                                                          Rush University (Chicago)*...........................................................Dr. Ryan D. Jacobson
        information will be supplied by the Centers of Excellence.
                                                          Stanford Neuroscience Health Center (Palo Alto) .........................Dr. John Day
                                                          University of Florida (Gainesville)*................................................Dr. James Wymer
                                                          University of Illinois at Chicago (Chicago)*...................................Dr. Charles K. Abrams
                                                          University of Iowa (Iowa City)  ......................................................Dr. Michael Shy
                                                          University of Miami (Miami)..........................................................Dr. Mario Saporta
                                                          University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)*.............................................Dr. Dustin Nowacek
                                                          University of Minnesota (Maple Grove)  ........................................Dr. David Walk
                                                          University of Missouri (Columbia).................................................Dr. Raghav Govindarajan
                                                          University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)*....................................Dr. Rebecca Traub
                                                          University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) .....................................Dr. Steven Scherer
                                                          University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (Pittsburgh)*..................Dr. Sasha Zivkovic
                                                          University of Rochester (Rochester, NY) ......................................Dr. David Herrmann
                                                          University of Texas Southwestern (Dallas)* ..................................Drs. Susan Iannaccone and Diana Castro
                                                          University of Utah (Salt Lake City).................................................Dr. Russell Butterfield
                                                          University of Washington (Seattle)................................................Dr. Michael Weiss
                                                          Wayne State University (Detroit) ...................................................Dr. Jun Li
                                                          *These Centers of Excellence are not part of the INC.
                                                          The Children’s Hospital (Westmead, Australia)..............................Dr. Manoj Menezes
                                                          The National Hospital for Neurology
                                                          & Neurosurgery (London, England) ..............................................Dr. Mary Reilly
                                                          C. Besta Neurological Institute (Milan, Italy) .................................Dr. Davide Pareyson
                                                          University of Antwerp (Edegem, Belgium).....................................Dr. Jonathan Baets
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