Page 18 - 2021 Spring CMTA Report - Special Research Edition
P. 18

1A TIMELINE                                Strategy  To  Accelerate Research
                                                      Strategy To Accelerate Research

           CMTA Roadmap
           to Success                                          2008                                  2009                                          2010                                                  2011

                                                             Strategy to                     Inherited Neuropathy                       Development of first drug                                First NIH funding for
                                                   Accelerate Research (STAR)                   Consortium (INC)                    screening assays in partnership                       small molecule screening project
                                                          project launched                           launched                                   with the NIH

                                     2015                                                 2014                                                      2013                                                2012

                     InFlectis and CMTA Board Member                          First use of genome editing                           First clinical trial in USA published                   First drug screen published;
                 Dr. Lawrence Wrabetz publish successful                to create drug screen; rodent models                          (Lewis et al., JAMA Neurology);                      first stem cell project initiated;
                     CMT1B studies, later developed for                   incorporated into testing platform;                         partnership with Sanofi initiated                   CMT Pediatric Scale published
                    CMT1A clinical trials; over 2.3 million                      Ionis alliance initiated
                    compounds screened in partnership
                           with the NIH and Sanofi;
                human stem cells made in NYSCF alliance

                                     2016                                                2018                                                      2019                                                 2020

                            Biomarker studies with                         Ionis-CMTA partnership leads to                             Stem cell studies published,                         Sanofi partnership identifies
                                 Sanofi initiated                          breakthrough proof-of-principle                     first gene modifier and skin biopsy assay              novel blood biomarker; natural history
                                                                             of PMP22 effect on disease                            (treatment-responsive for CMT1A);                     study published (>1000 patients);
                                                                            phenotype; the INC develops                              CMT Health Index (CMT-HI) and                       gene therapy project with three
                                                                             patient-centric clinical scales                        CMT Functional Outcome Scale                            major institutions launched;
                                                                                                                                           (CMT FOM) published                        CMTA engaged in pre-clinical testing
                                                                                                                                                                                         or clinical planning with a record
                                                                                                                                                                                                 10 biotech partners

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